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  1. #1
    mkv213's Avatar
    mkv213 is offline Member
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    Cardio and Lifting

    Is it better to burn bf doing cardio before or after lifting?

  2. #2
    nyjetsfan86's Avatar
    nyjetsfan86 is offline Anabolic Member
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    long island
    i wouldnt do cardio either time, id do it at a seperate time during the day, if you do cardio before youre going to burn all the glycogen and creatine in your body that helps you build muscle and after you train you want to rest to help you grow

  3. #3
    MFT81's Avatar
    MFT81 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by nyjetsfan86
    i wouldnt do cardio either time, id do it at a seperate time during the day, if you do cardio before youre going to burn all the glycogen and creatine in your body that helps you build muscle and after you train you want to rest to help you grow

    its not that specific

    In fact ive had great results doing cardio pwo, now I dont do some 1hr long session but about 20 mins or so,

    studies show you can get a boost naturally by doing cardio after you lift cause your test and gh levels are higher so you can use your hormones as a natty fat burner,

    if your paranoid about burning muscle just pop some BCAA after training and do your cardio.

    Bottom line it dosent matter when as long as your cardio gets done.

  4. #4
    MFT81's Avatar
    MFT81 is offline Senior Member
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    Sep 2004
    yeah dont do cardio before you lift

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