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Thread: Leg Day Baby!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

    Leg Day Baby!

    Not really any questions just wanted to know if anyone else did or is going to do legs today,

    I know I could do a search but go ahead and post up what your fav leg routine or tips tricks are for a successful session

    Here is what I think im doing today........

    1. Squat 7x5-14 reps

    2. Walking BB Lunge (up and back 20ft-40ft total)

    3. RDL's 4x8-14

    4. Donkey calf raises
    super set w/
    Standing calf raises using body weight 4-5x8-20

    light cardio................

    might watch a few coleman or Branch Warren vids for motivation.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by MFT81
    might watch a few coleman or Branch Warren vids for motivation.
    ^^^^That always works for me! It's like watching Rocky when I was a kid and going and drinking some eggs, LOL, except those videos work better! In fact I have to turn them off after about 15-20minutes so I can go work out.

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