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Thread: Overtraining?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Mid-East Coast


    I got a feeling this workout regiment I started about 4-5 weeks ago would be considered overtraining but I'd like your opinions.

    Mon - Legs + Shoulders

    Squats 5x5
    Leg Press 3x8
    Calf Raises 4x15
    Leg Extensions 3x8

    Military Press 3x10
    Shoulder Press 3x6
    Dumbell Front Raises 2x10
    Shrugs 3x10

    Tues and Thurs - Chest + Tri's

    Flat Bench 5x5
    Incline Dumbell 2x10
    Cable Crossover 3x10
    Push-ups 2x15

    Various Tri Extensions, 2x10, 2x10, 2x10
    Close Grip Bench 2x10

    Weds and Friday - Back + Bi's

    Deadlifts 4x5
    Lat Pull Downs 2x10
    Pull-ups 2x5
    Seated/Bent Rows 2x10

    Cable Curls 2x10
    Standing Barbell Curl 4x6
    Seated Preacher Bar Curl 3x10
    Hammer Curls - 2x10

    I was doing a routine previously where I trained each body part once a week but my partners felt the need to step that up. Problem is, their not consistent, I'm there all 5 days a week without question so It's takin a larger toll on my body I think......
    The reasons I'v concluded that I may be overtraining is three reasons....

    1. I'v been exhausted half way through the workout - which could be due to my finishing my NO Shotgun about a month ago, which gave me lots of energy and focus in the morning.
    2. I'v felt weaker? Dunno what this is due to, my bench definatley feels weaker, could be due to the stoppage of NO Shotgun's energy, and partial to my steady diet as gone downhill a bit.
    3. I dont feel like Iv had much progress in the last 4-5 weeks...Obviously I wouldnt see much but I should feel like Im progressing and not going backwards with weight....

    Should I go back to my old routine? I'll post that up If someone would like to see....

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    I think that's way to much. Heck, just the deadlifts alone I need a good week or more before I can do them again and you only take one day off and do them again. Definitely ease back. Post your old routine.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Mid-East Coast
    Almost positive Im going back to old routine unless some vets or long time mods think otherwise...Its to much on my body. You'd think you'd gain more but I think It's hindering my performance....My old routine looked like this -

    Mon - Chest
    Tues - Legs
    Weds - Back
    Thurs - Shoulders
    Friday - Bi's and Tri's

    pretty much same workouts....maybe a few more things added in on certain days

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    long island
    first off all you need a day off in there, second you dont need to train the same muscles twice a week, and third you probably should not train legs and shoulders together thats 2 large muscle groups being trained in the same day

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    long island
    if you go back to the old routine take a day off inbetween to rest dont train 5 days in a row

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Jiesel, how long, time wise, are your work outs? the old one and the new one. I tried doing the legs and shoulders in the same day before and I was exhausted when I did shoulders and could not get a good shoulder work out. Like jetsfan said, that's a lot to do in one day. Getting rest is just as important as the work out, seriously. Rest = Growth. What are your goals? Are you trying to put on mass and strength? or trying to cut-up?

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Mid-East Coast
    KFrost - currently I'm trying to maintain. I finished a heavy bulk about 3 months ago. usually alone my workouts last for 45-60mins, taking about 1-2 mins between sets. With a partner It's 60-90mins. Between the old and the new theres not much of a time difference. Maybe 10 or so mins. I'm getting tons of rest, got 10hrs last night.

    The current schedule is feasible but because I'm not letting each muscle rest as long I'm not able to push It as hard like I could once a week.

    NY Jets - why would I need a day break between the 5 days If I'm training different body parts?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    long island
    You must balance your hard work in the gym with enough rest time to GROW from training. Rotating bodyparts, in itself, does not provide enough rest. You have to take days of complete rest between workouts to fully recuperate and grow. You MUST rest your entire body. Training 5 days in a row is going to do more bad then good to your muscles in the long run

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    long island
    and just because you are working out one muscle doesnt mean you artent using other muscles during your workout

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    When your working out your actually tearing the muscle down and when you rest the muscle is being built back up stronger. You want the muscle to be fully recovered before you tear it up again(work it out). When on gear this process happens faster, off gear it takes longer. So, off cycles you need to cut back on the working out, I go every other day and get good results. Some muscle take longer to recover, for example, the lower back takes over 100 hours to recover and thats why I take about 10 -14days before I do deadlifts again. It's important to get in rest, not just sleep rest but rest time for the muscle so it fully recovers. You'll body can and will get weaker from overtraining and will likely lead to an injury. I suggest you try an eod approach and see how you respond to it. GL

  11. #11
    I would NEVER train Chest the day after I trained Shoulders. You need to split those well apart (IMO). That is too much wear and tear on your shoulders.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    long island
    yea i agree moga and i actually just posted that on another thread never train shoulders and chest back to back

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Mid-East Coast
    hmmm I'll have to figure out a routine then...I'd prefer to rest on the weekend...

    maybe something like....

    mon - legs
    tues - chest and tri's
    weds - off
    thurs - back
    fri - shoulder and bi's....

    dunno I didnt have problems with my original routine and I felt like I had enough rest between workouts so I could go back to that

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Its not only your body parts that need to recover its your CNS that needs a break to, your CNS dosent know the diff between a leg day or a back day, all it knows is that your body got worked and something is damaged.

    you might be able to train like this for now, but one day you'll be to strong to lift that often,

    I used to lift 6 days a week

    now I take eod off

    it takes alot more energy to move a 20in arm than a 14 inch arm, get it?

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Mid-East Coast
    I suppose that makes sense.....If It takes some form of energy to move something of mass

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    HMMM, Newton would be proud.......

    kidding w/ ya,

    Bottom line if it works for you, than keep on but dont be supprised if you start showing sighns of overtraining,

    we were all guilty of it, with the typical more is better attitude. I really think your first split was good.

    let us know, good luck dude.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Mid-East Coast
    hope It didnt seem like I was being stubborn, Just gathering multiple opinions....planning on going back to old routine, thanks for the help

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by MFT81
    HMMM, Newton would be proud.......

    kidding w/ ya,

    Bottom line if it works for you, than keep on but dont be supprised if you start showing sighns of overtraining,

    we were all guilty of it, with the typical more is better attitude. I really think your first split was good.

    let us know, good luck dude.
    when you say his first routine man are you talking about the twice / wk approach or the once/ wk approach ??

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Well really neither now that I looked at it again, its to many days in a row, even though diff bodyparts are being worked.

    But I guess the first routine is what I ment//.......

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