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  1. #1
    uklifta786 is offline New Member
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    Please advise me on my workout

    I'm 21 and I've been training for about 8 months now, but keep in mind that I used to be obese about 2 yrs ago, i was 16 stone, now I am 12 and half stone. My height is 5 feet 11 inches. My body has totally changed shape, I've put on a lot of muscle and I've gained a lot of strength. I've done it naturally aswell, no steroids , I went on creatine, but only used one course and that was a few months ago.
    This is my current workout regime:

    Monday: Chest
    Flat Bench Press - 12 Reps=40kg - 10 Reps=60kg - 8 Reps=80kg - 6 Reps=90kg
    Incline Bench Press - 12 Reps=40kg - 10 Reps=50kg - 8 Reps=60kg - 6 Reps=70kg
    Flat DB Press - 12 Reps=14kg(in each hand) - 10 Reps=22kg - 8 Reps=26kg - 6 Reps=30kg
    Incline DB Press - 12 Reps=14kg - 10 Reps= 18kg - 8 Reps=22kg - 6 Reps=24kg
    Flat Bench flies - 12 Reps=8kg - 10 Reps=10kg - 8 Reps=12kg - 6 Reps=14kg
    Incline Bench flies - 12 Reps=8kg - 10 Reps=10kg - 8 Reps=12kg - 6 Reps=14kg

    10 mins treadmill

    Tuesday: Biceps
    Normal curls with DB - 12 Reps=12kg - 10 Reps=16kg - 8 Reps=20kg - 6 Reps=22kg
    With curl bar, inner grip - 12 Reps=5kg(each side) - 10 Reps=10kg - 8 Reps=12.5kg - 6 Reps=15kg
    Hammer Curls - 12 Reps=12kg - 10 Reps=14kg - 8 Reps=16kg - 6 Reps=18kg
    With curl bar, wide grip - 12 Reps=5kg(each side) - 10 Reps=7.5 - 8 Reps=10kg - 6 Reps=12.5kg

    10 mins treadmill

    Wednesday: ABs: 30 minute class that my gym does every week
    Shoulders (The weakest part of my body, I've always had probems with my shoulders)
    Shoulder Press behind the head - 12 Reps=20kg - 10 Reps=25kg - 8 Reps=30kg - 6 Reps=35kg
    Shoulder Press infront of the head - 12 Reps=20kg - 10 Reps=25kg - 8 Reps=30kg - 6 Reps=35kg
    Now, I dont know what this excercise is called but basically I take two lightweight DBs hold them infront of me and lift up then when my arms are perpendicular to my body I move my arms out to the side of my body(while in the air) and then lower down to the sides of my body, then lift again from the sides, bring them to my front and lower down to the front of my body and repeat. Ok, long explanation over, these are my reps:
    12 Reps=6kg - 10 Reps=6kg - 8 Reps=8kg - 6 Reps=8kg (This is a very very hard excercise)
    Seated DB Press - 12 Reps=12kg - 10 Reps=14kg - 8 Reps=16kg - 6 Reps=18kg

    10 Min treadmill

    Thursday: Back
    Deadlifts - 12 Reps=40kg - 10 Reps=60kg - 8 Reps=70kg - 6 Reps=80kg
    Lat Pulldown(behind the head) - 12 Reps=30kg - 10 Reps=40kg - 8 Reps=50kg - 6 Reps=55kg
    Lat Pulldown(infront) - 12 Reps=30kg - 10 Reps=40kg - 8 Reps=50kg - 6 Reps=55kg
    Cable Seated Row - 12 Reps=30kg - 10 Reps=40kg - 8 Reps=50kg - 6 Reps=55kg

    10 Minute treadmill

    Friday: Triceps (Favourite part of my body)
    Bench Press(Close grip of course) - 12 Reps=40kg - 10 Reps=60kg - 8 Reps=70kg - 6 Reps=80kg
    Skull crushers(with curl bar) - 12 Reps=5kg(each side) - 10 Reps=10kg - 8 Reps=12.5kg - 6 Reps=15kg
    Dips - 12 Reps=my body weight - 10 Reps=5kg - 8 Reps=10kg - 6 Reps= 15kg
    Seated, Single DB extension - 12 Reps=22kg - 10 Reps=28kg - 8 Reps= 34kg - 6 Reps=40kg

    10 Minute treadmill

    Saturday: Legs
    Leg Presses
    Leg curls
    Leg extensions

    But I don't keep up with legs much. I usually forget to do it.

    What do you think of this workout, is it good or crap?
    I really want to get bigger, although I do have a good size now, I still want to get bigger. And definitely shape up also. My biggest problem is shoulders, they are smaller compared to the rest of my body and it ruins my shape. Also, I'm finding it really really hard to get a flat stomach, I don't know what to do about it. I would be really grateful if someone could help. Thanks.
    Last edited by uklifta786; 04-16-2007 at 12:01 PM.

  2. #2
    Ajc330's Avatar
    Ajc330 is offline Senior Member
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    you really train hard man, maybe training alittle lighter and taking an off day inbetween is something to consider

  3. #3
    uklifta786 is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the reply Ajc330, I'll incorporate that into my training, I'm thinking I'll do that after the chest day, so Tuesday can be my rest day.
    Can anyone else give me some pointers, is my training technique good by training each body part seperately? How are my reps 12-10-8-6? I'd really appreciate some more suggestions from experienced people.

  4. #4
    K.Biz's Avatar
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    i would say.... dont forget your legs. thats huge!, the body grows in proportion so if you dont do legs you will only get so big and you will have chicken legs and no one likes chicken legs

    also i agree with AJC. you need a rest day bro. perhaps mid week like wednesday. Keep the training hard!

    Also im not sure but hows your muscle growth been? seems like you might be over training a little bit.

  5. #5
    uklifta786 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by K.Biz
    i would say.... dont forget your legs. thats huge!, the body grows in proportion so if you dont do legs you will only get so big and you will have chicken legs and no one likes chicken legs

    also i agree with AJC. you need a rest day bro. perhaps mid week like wednesday. Keep the training hard!

    Also im not sure but hows your muscle growth been? seems like you might be over training a little bit.
    I've just started doing legs properly now, and I can lift quite a bit so that is going good.

    I have gained a lot of muscle. But the area I am lacking in is shoulders, it's not proportionate to the rest of my body man and it really pisses me off. What do you think of my exercises for shoulders?
    Also, which parts of my workout should I leave out to avoid over training? The main reason I train each body part seperately is to avoid over training, as I know people that train on two main body parts in a day, and I think thats blatant over training, isn't it?

  6. #6
    dookses is offline Junior Member
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    your chest day is too intense, too many exercises with the same movements.

    a lot of people recommend alternating b/w incline and decline on chest days, which I've been doing for a while now and I agree it works. also you could rotate b/w bb and db on chest days. examples:

    flat bb bench (alternate b/w bb and db each week)
    incline bb press (alternate b/w bb and db each week)
    incline fly
    + whatever else you like, i like doing that arnold rib stretch type thing that's alot like skullcrushers, but not really. i forget what its called, or I also like doing a front raise with db's or cables, similar to a delt front raise but your palms would be up

    then, the next week for example, you would switch to decline.
    flat db bench (alternate b/w db and bb)
    decline bb press (alternate b/w db and bb)
    then, you could do, decline fly (which kind of feels awkward for me) or, a decline cable cross fly (set the cables up high and then cross them down low at the end of the movement)
    finish up with whatever makes you tingle, i like finishing up with a press machine usually

    4 exercises is plenty for chest days. i usually make the first flat press exercise have 5 sets, one warm up, but a little on the heavy side, then three sets where you're increasing the weight each set, then a fifth set thats back down near the heavy warm-up weight.

    you could do bi's and back together and give yourself another day of rest, four back exercises and two bi exercises on the combined day would be plenty. also, ditch the behind the neck lat pull down, replace it with pull-ups or something. a bent over row could work aswell

    you can also do shoulders and triceps together. cut out the behind the neck press for shoulders and replace it with upright row. you should also work in some rear delt fly's here and there.

    my fav tricep exercise is weighted dips, dips hit all three heads of the tricep. i usually start off with weighted dips and go as heavy as I can and still get at least 5 reps out.

    dips, skullcrushers and close grip bench are plenty for your tricep day

    as far as the whole flat stomach thing goes, that's just going to be a result of your diet first of all, but also the amount of cardio you do. i'm sure the cardio would be a bit of a pain for you because you're doing weights six times a week.

    i just pulled a workout split off here recently that i love now:
    chest, legs, rest, shoulders/tri, rest, back/bi, rest, repeat

    as you can see if you adopted this split you'd only be doing weights 4x a week, and on the rest days you could actually rest, or if you're trying to get that flat stomach, do some serious cardio on those days. the shape of your stomach area is going to be mostly a reflection of your diet though.

    also, what you're currently doing on your chest day is blatant over training. its actually ok to do two main body parts in one day, so long as you're not overworking them. I used to do chest and back in the same day, and I certainly was not overtraining. its just a matter of how much you work each muscle each week.

    sorry i rambled and whatnot. i'm sort of out of it right now.

  7. #7
    S.P.G's Avatar
    S.P.G is offline AR Workout Scientist
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    First of Congrats on the weight you’ve lost so far. And being natty! stay natty for as long as you can...

    Personally that would be overtraining for me, just because you are doing more on chest doesn’t mean it will get bigger, less is more.

    Stick with the multiple joint exercises, basic movements if your looking for mass, use shaping movements when you have the size your looking for.

    Talking of mass!! what are your goals with this routine?

    Your pounding the hell out of your shoulders! your hitting them 2 times a week as the anterior head takes a heavy load on chest day, I would recommend hitting shoulder after chest 2 sets of D/B shoulder press, and 3 sets of side laterals, it’s a lot less than your doing now but you will see them respond.

    Sets over all can be cut back!!! Remember you a natural bodybuilder for now so train like one.

    One more time LESS IS MORE. But make sure the intensity is there.

    Keep your form as good as you can don’t worry to much about the amount of weight your lifting just make sure you progress each week and you doing 8-12reps, always progress give your body a reason to grow.

    And yes as some members have said you need to rest more, give your body time to grow, a 3 day week will do wonders.
    Last edited by S.P.G; 04-20-2007 at 04:49 AM.

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