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Thread: Lagging triceps

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Snrf 2 - Bojangles 0

    Lagging triceps

    Anyone got any killer tricep exercises? I have come to the conclusion that my puny arms are the result of my Bi's being almost larger than my tris (all those years of bicep curls ed, lmao)

    I'd like to bring my triceps up, so if anyone has any ideas, or a program you followed that really blasted your tri's hook me up

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    dips skullcrushers and close grip bench are good

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Front toward enemy
    Personally I think its all about weight. I can go "nearly" as heavy on tri's as I can on bi's.

    Skull crushers, rope pull downs, but my fave tri exercise is overhead single hand extensions.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    weighted dips are the "squats" of triceps

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    well I bet we all know of a mil. triceps routines and that the basics like dips and skulls work best so here are some ideas, iddle thoughts, etc that I like

    warning my tris suck too so these might be the worst ideas ever.....

    1. something ive noticed is that my tris like higher rep ranges, I commonly do sets in the 12-16 rep range in the beggining and work progressivly heavier in the 6-8 rep range, the higher reps always seem to make me feel like im busting my balls more than the heavy sets.

    2. I think dips on dipping bars are the best exercise, pref done first with a plate on my waist. I also really like bench dips with up to three plates in my lap, where ill do a strip set on my last set taking one plate off at a time...

    3. I also "like" french press/skull crushs but I dont feel it unless I do them on a semi-low incline so that I fight gravity throughout the whole movement even when I "lock out" at the top.

    furthermore when I hit failure at each set of skulls Ill do 5 reps of close grip bench with the same bar/same weight no rest after each set.

    4. CG pushups and Rev grip* pushups are a great finisher to a heafty tris routine. esp when you do a chest/tri combo, I leave the gym with a helluva upperbody pump.

    5. Like any other bodypart, if its lagging youll prob have to give its own day meaning another part will take a back seat for awhile, also working it twice a week may work for some but not others. Recovery is key in either aspect

    *Rev grip pushups are done in the same way as close grip except your hands are supinated and you use dbs as a handle to grip so you dont torque your wrist on the ground. you can even slightly turn the dumbbells in an e-z grip fashion if your not very flexiable in the wrist too.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    How many reps do you usually do on your sets?, I always do sets of 12-15, you really want to squeeze them at the bottom of each rep to get the full benefit, you want those ****ers to burn man, I honeslty dont think that any excersises is better than the next, they all work, but not forever, keep switching the excesies up and keep the reps high.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Snrf 2 - Bojangles 0
    usually 10 sets...I think I've just got like 5 years of working my biceps hard compared to about 3 years of doing triceps...dumbass that I used to be. I swear for like 2 years I worked out chest and biceps all the time.

    I do have a good chest and bi development though

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