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Thread: a Note on Calves ....

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Long Beach, Ca

    a Note on Calves ....

    One thing that is way overlooked in calf training is the peak movement... Most will hurl as much as they can on a seated or a standing calf machine .... Unforetunately the calves do not repsond so well . Prolly due to the BOUNCING that is taking place . Although this has been done with bench pressing over the years many have changed that radical movement to a more controlled one ..

    I have showed my clients some possitive results by implementing the following ...

    Try this out for a week .... I am not here to change your hole calf training program ... I guess I could, but only if asked ....

    Train calves every 4 days ... Drop your weight considerably . If your one of those doing standing calf raises with 400+ lbs lets drop a bit . Now try and do 15 -20 reps on your tippy toes. Focus on the peak movement HOLDING it for several seconds ( really try and get on the very tip of your toes ... This is not done by almost everyone I have seen ... Their focus is on weight , and the bouncing movement even heavy will not target the calf as well as this with lighter weight ... The standing calf raise is perfect for this ... You really get a tight peak on your toes .. the seated calf can be supersetted with this for a great workout .Make sure to stretch the calf after every set .. Good luck

    BTW as with most in the gym ( lowering your weights and focus on the muscle's contraction will definately add quality and more definition. )

    We here are all concerned with not wasting time in the gym... but rather, getting the most out of our time and energy ...

    In closing , I will state that with some of the strongest and most public BB figures known ; there sole emphasis is working the muscle hard , not the weight used in most circumstances ... don't let an ego get in your way of your progress .... Good luck

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    south florida
    calfs........a great workout is a pair of strength shoes, you run a mile in them you cant walk for a week.REALLY though i love them and swear by them, calfs have grown tremendously with them. has anyone else tried them???let me know??

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    I do 3 sets every 3-4 days. First set is light, second very heavy, third light and I continue until fail.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Never really work the calves out that much they seem to hold good shape and size anyway and I think the cycling I do and surfing helps build them.I always perform the movement slowly and very often will not use any weight.I use a full range of motion and just keep pumping those babies until I have tears rolling down my face God I love that pain from doing calves!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    i do 'em twice a week. each session is one exersice, four sets, all to burnout

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Tampa Bay
    Incline on the treadmill works well der huh.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    South Carolina
    Good point MM. People seldom peak at the top or even stretch at the bottom of the movement. When loading too heavy you're most likely going to sacrifice form by not stretching at the bottom of the movement. Here are a few points to remember when calf training:

    !. Use good Form (fully contract and stretch each rep)
    2. You support double your bodyweight on each step and heavier when you're running so yes push the poundage but not at the expense of your FORM!
    3. No two people respond to calf training the same. Some make great gains with lower reps and others grow from repping out. Use a full range of reps/sets, and movements. Standing calf raises, seated calf raises single leg calf raises, donkey calf raises, leg press calf raises....blah blah, you know. Do them all with good FORM. and Bless you all!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Originally posted by dumbells101
    Do them all with good FORM. and Bless you all!
    Geez sound like Tiny Tim on Christmas morning

    Seriuosly double MM I've trained like that in the past but didn't really give it a chance (too stubborn and pig headed). I'll give it a legit go for 4-5 weeks and let you know how I feel.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Long Beach, Ca
    Btw Pete ... This is not to do a way with going heavy period, just something to focus on .....

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Long Beach, Ca
    DB ... great points ... And not everyone responds the same ... I was hoping to enlighten any that may not thought about this movement being an important one to remember . I would prolly never have to say this about bicep training ...peaking is a ritual ... hehe

    good luck everyone

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    South Carolina
    Yeah MM, I can hear it now..."Oh I really don't train my pecs cause they're ahh naturally big"...Ha right ... I guess it's a little like wrist/forearm training. Calvesget hit when you train quads...kinda.


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