I am currently 5'11'' 195lbs and around 14% BFI. 5 weeks ago I was 210 pounds and 17% BFI. I workout 3 times a week with weights and about 6 days a week doing an hour of cardio.
My question is so far I only have one exercise a week for abs. I do 3 X 15 rope crunches on my leg day. I was just wondering if I should add a 4th workout day and do strictly ab workouts or if I should just add more ab workouts here and there. Maybe no ab workouts at all.
I have no definition in my a**omen at all. I want to try to get at least a 4 pack going and work my way into a 6 pack as the time comes. If I should up the workouts what exercises for abs should I do and what are the set/reps I need....
Please help....