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  1. #1
    superman86 is offline Banned
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    May 2007

    Post Does anyone know a good workout with dumbells?

    I was trying to figure out what are some more good workout routines for dumbbells. The gym where I am located was destroyed by hurricane Katrina. The gym is in process of rebuilding. I am really trying to get cutt and I dont think I know how to go about asking for help.Thanks for whoever responses.

  2. #2
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Wrong forum. I'll shoot this over to the workout question section.

    Shooting now...


  3. #3
    max2extreme's Avatar
    max2extreme is offline Anabolic Member
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    You know, I just did a killer workout today all with DBs. Im trying a new approach, I call it cardio lifting. Its high intensity, keep your HR pumping lifting that builds strength at the same time as burrning calories.

    My workout I did today was

    1. tabata thrusters. (sit on a bench or ball, have **'s in military press position, stand up, military press, sit down, thats one rep, do 10 of them, then rest for a minute, 5 sets)

    2. dead planks. (12 reps of dead lifts with dbs, right away, do a plank for as long as you can. planks are where you get into pushup position, except your arms from your elbow to your hands are on the ground, and you hold that position. Did 4 sets with a minute rest in between)

    3. jump swings. (jump rope for 1 minute. then 2 handed db swings, 12 reps of swings, jump rope another minute, then 2 handed db swings, 12 reps of swings, then rest for 1 minute 30 secs. thats "one rep", did that 4 reps.)

    4. 1 arm snatch breathing ladders. (snatch db right side, snatch db left side, put db down, rest for 2 breaths. snatch db right side 2x, snatch db left side 2x, put db down, rest for 4 breaths. then 3x each side, rest for only 6 breaths. you rest 1 for 1 reps per breaths. all the way to 10. then rest for 1 minute 30 seconds, and do it all again.)

    This workout was intense, and I loved it.

  4. #4
    BigJames's Avatar
    BigJames is offline Senior Member
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    Well, you can do almost everything you can do with barbells with dumbbells plus some things you can't do with barbells so I think with a good set you should be good to go on almost any bodypart. Assuming you have trained previously I would just look at recreating your basic workout but use dumbbell movements in place of the machines and barbells.

    Dumbbell Presses (flat/incline)
    Dumbbell Flyes (flat/incline)
    Dumbbell Pullovers

    Dumbbell Rows (unilateral or bilateral)
    Dumbbell Deadlifts
    Dumbbell Pullovers

    Dumbbell Military Press (standing or seated)
    Lateral Raises
    Front Raises
    Bent Raises

    Biceps: Pretty Obvious...curls, many positions and variations:
    Hammer Curls
    Concentration Curls
    Supinated Curls
    Seated, Standing, leaning against a wall...

    Dumbbell Skullcrushers
    Dumbbell Overhead Extensions (one arm or two)
    Dumbbell Kickbacks
    Reverse Pushups (Bench Dips with dumbbell on lap)

    Dumbbell Squats (hold dumbbells at sides as if to shrug while squating)
    Dumbbell Lunges (same as above)
    Straight Leg Deadlifts
    Calf Raises (with Dumbbells in hands as above)

    Note that the above is not a workout routine, it is just a list of possible dumbbell exercises.

    If you do not have a good variety of weights or only have lighter weights then I like the "cardio training" that is listed above...

  5. #5
    superman86 is offline Banned
    Join Date
    May 2007
    thanks for help I will try

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