was doing 2 days on 1 day off with a 4 day workout
now im tryin 5 days with weekends off as I find Im recovering better
I do 1 warm up set then 3 sets of 12,10,8, and supercede each set
Chest Incline DB , incline DB flies, DB flat bench press
Bi's DB curl, easy bar curl
Legs Lunges, press, Calf raises, Curls, adduction/a**uction
shoulders DB press, front raises, side raises,
tri's head crushers, rope pull downs
Back incline row , Hammer strengths, good mornings, pull downs
Arms Hammer curls, reverse curls, head crushers, easy bar curl,
rev barbell behind back , rope pull downs
Sat Sun off.
was doing DB behind and infront of head for tri's (french press?) but shoulders would hurt (pinching) also I use machines for Back cause I just cant seem to get it right, my arms fail and I get no burn in my back.