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  1. #1
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D

    Exclamation My new regimine that actually works (for me)

    not much effort put in slappin this together just rough over view of what i have been doing last 10 weeks or so of reistance training.
    surprisingly enuff my gains are better than ever lol but im not focusing on streght (for the first time in my life) and thus i havnt had any join injuries as my lifts are light weight slow and controlled. and since i check my ego at the door nowdays and dont count numbers.. no competition = no reason to do stupid shit...

    man im gettin old this is gay
    but here it is.

    most workouts last 30-40min maybe longer if hot chick is in gym and i get distracted

    Day 1
    Leg Press 4-5 sets working up in weight staying between 15 and 8 reps
    Front Squats same protocol as above
    DB curls 5 sets same rep range 15 reps on first couple sets… gradually increasing weight and lowering reps to 8 or so
    Leg extension 3 sets of 20 should fail at around 16or so though.

    Day 2
    Wide chest press on Hammer strength 5-6 sets 20-10 reps respectively (more of warm up)
    Flat bb press 3 sets 15-8 rep range
    Incline db flys 3sets 12 reps ea
    Cable flys from top pullies 3 sets 12 reps
    Dips 5x failure body weight
    Maybe tri ext in place of dips if pect hurts

    Might take day off here or keep going w/ regiment ***ending on what my body says

    Training day 3
    Corner T Bar Rows 5 sets 15-8 reps respectively then a drop set/burnout
    SLDLifts 3sets of 12
    Hammer strength high row or Cable pull down(which ever is open 3sets of 12)
    Hammer str curls 3 drop sets i.e. 55’s for 10 then 35’s for 10 right after = 1 set

    Training day 4
    Front Military 5-6 sets increasing weight starting around 15reps and ending on 8
    Front lateral raises 3 sets 12
    Side lateral raises 3 sets 12
    DB Shrugs 3x15
    Iso Tri Ext on cable 3sets 12,10,8 reps respectively.

    Might take 1 day off .. might take 2 days off ***ends on how long body wants to rest.

  2. #2
    PeteyK's Avatar
    PeteyK is offline Associate Member
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    whats the SLD stand for in "SLDLifts 3 sets 12"

  3. #3
    skoaler29's Avatar
    skoaler29 is offline Junior Member
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    @ Work Mostly
    straight leg deadlifts.

    I love weird splits like this. Im currently doing something similar, I just listen to my body.

  4. #4
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    If i could go back and change anything in my training over the last 5 years it would be to have left my ego at the door when i first started in the gym. Gains have come on great after I stopped worrying about "heavy weights"

  5. #5
    Ajc330's Avatar
    Ajc330 is offline Senior Member
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    that seems to be a problem with all of us Beast...and yeah stifflegged deadlifts are awesome lift

  6. #6
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001
    If i could go back and change anything in my training over the last 5 years it would be to have left my ego at the door when i first started in the gym. Gains have come on great after I stopped worrying about "heavy weights"
    yeah it works amazingly well.. only prob is im not seeing much in STR but reps are sky rocketing so something is growing.. plus im way more full/harder than ever.. but NOT near as fun as when i used to train for the strongman

  7. #7
    PeteyK's Avatar
    PeteyK is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001
    If i could go back and change anything in my training over the last 5 years it would be to have left my ego at the door when i first started in the gym. Gains have come on great after I stopped worrying about "heavy weights"
    yeah me and a bud of mine were the only kids in our highschool to not give a **** how much weight we were pushing which inevitably led to us getting bigger than all the football lifting tools. it all started when we were freshman this monster insanely ripped huge kid who was a senior one day at the gym i saw him doing an exercise with 5lb weights and ive never looked back!

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