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Thread: Workout Routine in need of help?

  1. #1

    Workout Routine in need of help?

    I used to be in great shape. Played high school football looked real good for awhile. I went to college and put on the freshman 15 like it was nothing and got real lazy for a long time and now Im looking to get back in action...about 6 weeks ago i weighed 210 at 6' and now im down to about 193lbs and I want you to take a look at my workout and critique it so i can get in GREAT SHAPE i want to look in the mirror and be happy so let me know.. im definitely looking to lose a LOT more fat....not sure what my BF is maybe 14%-16%

    Day 1:

    Incline Bench Press 4 X 12, 10, 8, 6
    Flat Dumbbell Bench 3 X 10
    Dumbbell Fly holds 2 X 45 seconds
    Tricep Rope Extensions 3 X 15
    21s 2 X 21

    Day 2:

    Seated Leg Press 4 X 12, 10, 8, 6
    Seated Leg Press Calf Raise 5 X 20
    Lex Extensions 3 X 10
    Leg Curls 3 X 10
    Ab Rope Crunches 3 X 20

    Day 3:

    Upright Rows 4 X 12, 10, 8, 6
    Seated Shoulder Press 3 X 10
    Dumbbell Side Raises 2 X 10
    Lat Pulldowns 3 X 10
    Chinups 3 X 10

    I also do cardio everyday after each lift day for 30 min
    On non lift days I do 45-60 min cardio and leaving around 1-2 days off

    please give me some advice

  2. #2
    I also am on a strict diet and that has already been critiqued so im looking strictly workout advice...


  3. #3
    really? nothing?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Substitute in compound movements...squats, deadlifts, stiff legged deads...Did you do any cleans while training for football?

    Good to hear the diet is down...IT is 75% of the battle.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by TR'05
    Substitute in compound movements...squats, deadlifts, stiff legged deads...Did you do any cleans while training for football?

    Good to hear the diet is down...IT is 75% of the battle.
    i dont play football anymore i was just trying to throw in that i was athletic at some point but ill definitely do some more of the leg training

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    No doubt, bro. Just wondering if you had any experience, while training, with cleans- a particular exercise which is great for overall development. You can add a push press to them...a few variations. You can check them out here:

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