My problem is my forearms are way too big for my tris and bis. It looks rediculous. I don't do any forearm work. I don't curl my wrists at the end of a curl. My brachial radialis is especially huge, relatively speaking. To give ya an idea w/out a pic, I just measured my forearms to be about 13.5 inches, and my bis to be only about 14.25 inches, unflexed, about 16 inches when flexed.
I think I have some idea why I can't get the growth in my bis and tris that I'm looking for, but I'm not sure. I've noticed that if you let your arm hang so that your bicep is perpendicular to the ground, from there the forearm actually angles out slightly(away from the body). Mine actually angles in, and I have yet to see someone else with a similar angle. I find it hard to hit the inside of my biceps, and the lateral head of the triceps, and I think it's related to this.
I guess my question is has anyone seen this, or heard of this, or had a similar problem. Any advice is much appreciated,