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Thread: Arnold Presses

  1. #1
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    Arnold Presses

    in Arnold's encyclopedia he said that arnold presses are the best deltoid exercise he could think of, anyone have experience with this exercise that could confirm that statement? i'm doing delts tonight and wondering if i should throw them in there, my routine looks like this...

    shoulder press 4 sets
    military press standing 3 sets
    behind neck press seated 3 sets
    side laterals 3 sets

  2. #2
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    Too many presses,

    Your encouraging an overuse injury if you did that routine every week.

    If you want to do arnold presses (which im not a big fan of) Then Pick one out of the three presses you have listed (pref. seated military or push press)

    Do it for 3-5 sets of a mod heavy weight (6-10 reps) Then add 2-3 sets of arnold presses with a mod light weight (8-12 reps) with maybe one drop set at the end of your last set (about 60 % of the last poundage used)

    Then feel free to do 3-4 sets or rear delt flys bent over or on an low incline bench, and some side laterals or light upright rows with a semi-wide grip.

    once again, not a big fan of ahhhnold presses, I pref reg dumb bell press, as these place the stress of the weight evenly on the deltoid.

    NOW, that will be $5.00 Cash, Credit, or $ order, thank you!

  3. #3
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    haha thanks for the info MFT, coming through solid as usual

  4. #4
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    arnolds are a nice finishing move, or a contest prep tool i feel. You reaaly can't go all that heavy, but you can def carve out multiple heads with this one. For mass stick to dbell or shoulder press.

  5. #5
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    Another great rear fly exercise that I personally like in Arnolds book is the rear fly one where he is sitting on a milk crate doing flys at an angle across his body. Really works great for me as a pre-exahust move.

  6. #6
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    Where's the front raises? I only do Arnold's when my shoulders are bothering me and can't do regular military or dumbbell. Something about the movement doesn't give me any pain.

  7. #7
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    hear ya on the front raises. Most people should have these in their workout. I am lucky enough that they get hit very hard in my chest work out that when shoulders come around regular presses (db and bar) hit em just fine. What part of Jersey you from jerseyboy?

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sir Lifts-a-lot
    hear ya on the front raises. Most people should have these in their workout. I am lucky enough that they get hit very hard in my chest work out that when shoulders come around regular presses (db and bar) hit em just fine. What part of Jersey you from jerseyboy?
    The clean part.

  9. #9
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    my deltoid exerice was as followed yesterday...
    shoulder press
    military press
    front raises
    seated bent over dumbbell laterals (great movement hitting traps and rear delt head)
    upright rows
    dumbbell shrugs very heavy
    calf work

    hits every deltoid head effectively...the deltoids can be hit in so many various ways, you have to switch it up every time, i love training my delts and i always wear muscle shirts so i can see them being sculpted in every rep

  10. #10
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    I love shoulder day. I've been doing front raises seated on an incline bench using a short barbell or with a cable through the legs. Gives your abs a good workout too.

  11. #11
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    Just posing a question...why is there so much emphasis on front deltoids? Specifically, front raises, and military presses put a ton of stress on the front delt, as well as chest excercises. The main lacking head on most people's delts is the rear, followed by the medial. Most everyone's front delt overpowers the rest of their shoulder...just asking...prodding.

  12. #12
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    I do rear delts with a machine, cables or laterals seated and bent over a bench with dumbbells.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by jerseyboy
    The clean part.

    hahahaaha i didnt know that place existed! lol jk!

  14. #14
    number twelve's Avatar
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    i do arnolds every few shoulder workouts, they are really good especially if you use super strict for, that is, keep your arms at a right angly (90) to your torso as you bring the db's in front of you and then back out and up. good luck


  15. #15
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    i feel my mediial delts are the storngest, as i am doing presses every delt day which stress the medial rear delts clearly lack so i have been focusing them lately they will catch up, and yes i don't really do front raises because i feel loads of stress on my front delts doing incline bench

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