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Thread: Help with my Chest [[Picture Inside]]

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Arrow Help with my Chest [[Picture Inside]]

    Hey Guys,

    I have been lifting for a few years now and have completed 3 cycles of test/deca. I am 5'9'' and weigh 200lbs (pure muscle of course)..anyway my chest is incredibly strong.. I do the 140lb dumbells with minimal difficulty.

    My problem is my chest looks like this:

    I have a gap where the blue box is, I want it to be TIGHT and look like this:

    I'm sure there is no confusion now as to what my goal is, but how do i get my chest that way?

    An average chest day for me is dips as a warmup, then flat bench, decline bench, and incline bench all with dumbells.

    All of your useful help and criticism is welcome..


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Well first of, muscluar chest!
    Second of, the part between each muscle is decided by genetics, nothing to do with that dude, you are stuck the way you are made.

    By getting bigger muscles in the chest, this can make them come a little closer, but not close to the guy in the picture, sorry dude, you look good though!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Thanks VTM

    I figured it would come down to genetics even though I was hoping for some miracle suggestions.

    Are there any excercises you guys have found to work great for working the inner chest?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    UK, Wales
    close grip bench press and cable flyes

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2007
    BC, Canada
    Neck Presses might help fill in the upper portion. Make sure your chest and shoulders are really flexible and warmed up because it puts on more strain then usual.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    I'd say cable flys or dumbell flys..

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    I do dumbell flys and I can try cable flys. Just dont want to end up overtraining my chest.

    Is there any part of the movement I should pay extra attention to when performing the flys?

  8. #8
    You can fill in that gap by concentrating on inner chest exercises like close grip bench press and cable crossovers. The other exercises you do for your chest are good mass builders but are working predominantly your outer and lower pecs. The incline sets you do will work the upper and hit the mid pec slightly also. You could try some close grip incline press as well.

    Here is a guide on Edited. Read the board rules. Do not post links to other sites., hope this helps.


    Edited. Read the board rules. Do not post links to other sites.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    right here
    whats up bro?in my opinion flat bench cable fly works great to fill in the inner chest.u can try flat bench db presses or pec deck for middle,the machine offers more control u maintain better form

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