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  1. #1
    vinh's Avatar
    vinh is offline Junior Member
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    Arrow need a workout program and workoutlog

    Can someone give me a workout program or a workout log please. thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Psycoswole's Avatar
    Psycoswole is offline Member
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    Ill outline what my workouts generally look like

    Day1 Chest and Triceps (some like to do biceps with chest but from my experience it has been more effective in maximizing rest time when done together)

    Incline press (if you dont have a spotter than use a hammer strength machine) 4-5 sets X 4-6 repititions
    Decline Press 4-5 sets X 4-6 reps
    Pec Dec 5 sets 8 reps
    (dpending on how well i was able to fatigue the muscle ill decide if a 4th movement is needed)
    Flat bench 4 sets 4-6 reps

    Then Triceps
    Behind the neck dumbell extensions (take one dumbell and use both hands to extend the dumbell from behind your head to over your head, hope that makes sense) i love this movement 5 sets 8 reps
    Tricep cable extensions 5 sets 6 reps
    then ill hit a low intensity tricep machine after that 4 -5 sets 6-8 reps

    By then im ready to explode, i hit the water fountain at least every other set, and eat lots when you get home then relax

    Back and Bis and legs coming soon

  3. #3
    Psycoswole's Avatar
    Psycoswole is offline Member
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    Day 2 OFF

    Day 3 Legs

    Stiff legged deadlifts 5 sets 5 reps
    Squats 5-6sets 4-6 reps
    Leg extensions 4-5 sets 6-8 reps
    Reverse extension(hamstrings) 4-5sets 6reps
    seated calf raises 5sets 6-8 reps

    I usually cant walk after that so i call it quits

    Day 4 Back and Biceps

    Seated Rows 5sets 5 reps
    Lat pulldowns 5 sets 6reps
    pull ups 4 sets 8 reps
    (again depending on how well i fatigued the musle i will decide wether to do a fourth movement)
    reverse flys 4 sets 8 reps

    Close grip barbell curls 5 sets 6 reps
    One arm cable curls 4 sets 8 reps
    preacher curls 4 sets 6 reps

    Remember eat lots and rest!

    Day 5 off

    Day6 repeat day1

    I do cardio maybe once a week for like 10 minutes im usually so jacked from the workout i can barely make it to my car. On average im at the gym for 50-55 minutes

  4. #4
    dumbells101's Avatar
    dumbells101 is offline Senior Member
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    Re: need a workout program and workoutlog

    Originally posted by vinh
    Can someone give me a workout program or a workout log please. thanks in advance
    1. What is your workout experience thus far?
    2. How old are you?
    3. Do you train at a gym and with a partner?
    4. How much sleep do you get?
    5. Do you have any physical limitations?
    6. Do you (will you) use any nutritional supplements?

    These are basic questions I use when designing programs. Everyone is different and you have to plan accordingly. The best log you can use is one you make up yourself and use it to plan your workouts and diet in ADVANCE.

  5. #5
    vinh's Avatar
    vinh is offline Junior Member
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    1. What is your workout experience thus far?
    1 1/2 years now

    2. How old are you?

    3. Do you train at a gym and with a partner?

    4. How much sleep do you get?
    10pm to 5-6am

    5. Do you have any physical limitations?
    not to sure what u mean, but if ur asking if i have anything wrong with my body, no.

    6. Do you (will you) use any nutritional supplements?
    just protein/carb shake i use once every 2-3 days

  6. #6
    dumbells101's Avatar
    dumbells101 is offline Senior Member
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    Let's start with basics...bench press for pecs, military presses for delts and lying tricep extensions fro triceps. Add an isolation movement like flyes, some lateral raises, and you have a basic chest shoulder tri routine.

    For lats the cornerstone will be deadlifts. When done correctly will add tons of mass to your back and traps. Alternate weekly with wide grip pullups, and add a seated row or dumbell row for some thickness. For Your biceps start with barbell curls, and reverse curls or wrist curls for forearm stregth (important also).

    Finally for your legs you have to do barbell squats (not machine), and some leg extensions for isolation with leg curls (seated or lying) for you hamstrings.

    You can split these up into 3 sessions and as long as you sleep properly and eat enough quality there is no reason why at your age you can't take the fourth day off and repeat. Be instictive about how many days rest you take. If you feel like you need 2 days off then do it. Warm up well and stretch especially after training. Good luck and feel free to pm me if you have any other specific questions.

  7. #7
    Tobey is offline Retired IRON CHEF Mod
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    Dumbells pretty much summed it all up. If you still have any questions shoot me a PM and let me know a little more about your goals, time restraints in the gym, present diet, supplements ect. And I will work somthing up for you.

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