Thread: judge my split
08-06-2007, 02:44 PM #1
judge my split
21 y/o 205 pounds 10% body fat want to get up to around 230(i know its gonna take time). 5 or 6 years of training exp. no cycle exp
how does this split sound
MONDAY-arms sets and reps varies on week lets just say 4x10
strait bar curls
ez bar curls
dumbell curls
tricep pushdowns
skull crushers
close grip
leg extension
calf raises
WEDS- back and shoulders
lots of rows
shoulder presses
THURS-OFF usually run 2 miles
SAT-OFF run 2 miles
SUN-OFF run 2 miles
i usually do abs 3 days a week also
sups- creatine glutamine and protein shakesLast edited by 777rocky777; 08-06-2007 at 08:45 PM.
08-06-2007, 07:16 PM #2
anybody have any input or critiques?
08-06-2007, 09:21 PM #3
where are deads or atleast partial deads? I'm assuming that these are the exercises you do in no particular order on those days. I don't like doing shoulders and back in one workout. I would put one day strictly for back... It is a huge body part and needs your whole attention and shouldn't be shared with anything.
Maybe put tris with chest and bis with shoulders.... You really only need one or two exercises to stimulate growth in these when coupled with the primary moves.
08-06-2007, 09:23 PM #4
Also to reach 230 you are really going to have to up the calories... You look like you have been lean your whole life so this may be a push. Good luck.
08-06-2007, 09:34 PM #5
looks reasonable
08-07-2007, 10:08 AM #6
hello m8!! just some points.
In red...
MONDAY-arms sets and reps varies on week lets just say 4x10
strait bar curls
ez bar << why are you doing straight bar cur and ez? Are you looking for extra brachialis stimulation?
dumbell curls
tricep pushdowns
skull crushers
dips << put on chest day
close grip
etc..<< ECT do you mean you do more??
lunges << drop the lunges
leg extension
Add leg press
calf raises
WEDS- back and shoulders
lots of rows << ?? is that bent over row, OAR?
shoulder presses << put shoulders with chest & where are the side laterals
THURS-OFF usually run 2 miles << what is your MHR
decline <<drop the decline
dips <<only dip once here with chest
SAT-OFF run 2 miles<< what is your MHR
SUN-OFF run 2 miles<< what is your MHR
i usually do abs 3 days a week also
The reason chest and shoulder together is a good idea is that the anterior head of the delt, gets a massive pounding on chest day leading to overtraining of the shoulders if isolated on a additional day.
So 3 sets of side laterals hitting the lateral head, then 2 shoulder press of your choice is a good option and will minimize overtraining.
i think sets could be to hight on bicep & tricep 6 on bi 8 on tri is good but if its working for you keep it up.Last edited by S.P.G; 08-07-2007 at 10:16 AM.
08-07-2007, 01:04 PM #7
thanks alot for all the input guys. i put etc because i usually mix up my lifts week by week to try to keep my body not sure what my max heart rate is. i had my resting heart rate taken last week and it was 56.i do a few different rows. seated rows bent over bb rows upright rows. spg your red notes were very helpful.thanks again guys
08-07-2007, 01:14 PM #8
ya, how about quit worrying about your arms, and get your legs, back, and chest up
08-07-2007, 09:25 PM #9
i actually do find the lunges to be effective. usually the last exercise i do on the legs. really can feel the burn on you butt muscles
08-08-2007, 03:35 AM #10
i would separate legs further from back and add deadlifts, i would also give back its own day. you could add delts to chest day since your doing way too much for chest anyways. this is what i am doing altely anyways
mon legs
wed chest/delts
fri back
sun arms
leaves plenty of time for cardio and recovery
08-08-2007, 04:46 PM #11
hmm yeah that does actually sound better godkilla. thanks. actually this split isnt what im doing now. im gonna start it next week. i currently actually do chest twice a week and thats what im trying to get away from. its gonna be hard to get use too because i love doing chest so much.
08-09-2007, 02:17 AM #12Originally Posted by godkilla
08-09-2007, 08:10 AM #13
this routine works great for me and hopefully it works just as good for any of you who decide to try it.
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