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Thread: The best dieting tricks of the trade, everyone take a look and post yours

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2002

    The best dieting tricks of the trade, everyone take a look and post yours

    This is old news to most people on here I am sure of that but sometimes I think its good to have a list of old ideas that work just as reminders. Sometimes we complicate things too much and sometimes we forget about some things so I thought I would make a list of things to do when dieting to help with hunger, muscle preservation, and faster fat loss. I am just going to make a list and please everyone feel free to post your tricks of the trade as well. Keep in mind I am not talking about Keto Diets because I dont use them. These are just basic guidelines I use and many others do that work very well.

    Just some general guidlines when dieting. Take about 500 calories off of your maintainance calories to start. Make sure to get 1-2grams of protein per pound of body weight, and try to limit your carb intake to what ever makes you feel comfortable but try not exceed 100-200g/day(depending on what you can get away with), and the rest of the calories should be in EFA's.

    Ok the hardest part of dieting for some, at least me is the hunger pains.
    Here is a list of things that will help you feel full or will trick you into thinking your full.
    1) Eating fiberous veggies like cabbage, broccoli, lettuce, etc.
    2) Drinking about 20oz of water right before a meal, then drink at least 20oz with the meal.
    3) Chew food slowly, eating is not a race.
    4) Flaxseed Oil or any other EFA
    5) E/C/A stack
    6) An occasional diet carbonated drink
    7) Staying busy

    Ok a lot of this list was on the list above but need to be repeated. These are things that help speed up fat loss when dieting, other than the obvious calorie deficit of dieting itself.
    1) E/C/A stack
    2) Flaxseed Oil
    3) High Intesity Cardio in the PM on non lifting days
    4) Low Intensity Cardio in the AM on an empty stomach
    5) Cardio right after lifting
    6) Timing Carbs around Pre-Lifting and post lifting and no carbs late at night.
    7) Try not to mix fat and carbs into the same meal, try to have protein/carb meals, and protein/fat meals.

    Here is a list of things/ideas that can be used to help keep as much muscle as possible while dieting.
    1) High Protein
    2) Glutamine
    3) Creatine
    4) Cut back volume of weight training but not intensity
    5) Flaxseed Oil or any of the EFA's
    6) Keep cardio to no more than 5 days per week and that is pushing it, more like 3-4 days tops depending on what type of cardio.

    These are just general rules of thumb to keep in mind, I am no guru just speaking from experience on what works for me. Please everyone put your little tricks of the trade so we can have a good list of things that may help us all succeed!!!

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    12,000 feet above it all
    Leaving your MRP's in the blender for a longer period of time, allowing them to "froth up" or something makes them a lot more filling than they actually are.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Thats a good idea as well, I also thought of another thing that kills hunger even though its not the greatest idea, nicotine.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    another thing that can help is to drink coffe it also helps with the hunger pains, no sugar try it youll get used to the taste and unsweetened tea too

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    bump - excellent post!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    12,000 feet above it all
    I have a friend who has a real pain in the ass time keeping diet, but he looks real good when he pulls it together...his last big trick (and laugh if you will) was snacking on ice cubes like people snack on chips and such. He claims if he did this while he was watching tv or whatever, he'd get the physiological benefit of water making the stomach full, but (more important to him) the psychological benefit of feeling like he'd just put lots of food down his throat (with the chewing required to 'eat' ice cubes). I was impressed, since he's usually sorta dumb.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Originally posted by maguilagorilla
    another thing that can help is to drink coffe it also helps with the hunger pains, no sugar try it youll get used to the taste and unsweetened tea too
    This has always helped me! How about Crystal Lite ice cubes??
    And salads with Fat Free cottage cheese...Yummy

    I also keep a 2.5 gallon of water on my dresser next to my bed and I like to stay hydrated through out the night. This really works, and always keeps my tummy flat and hard.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Good idea Babyweight ! The crystal Lite cubes. I like that one...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Good ideas everyone, Havent tried the coffee, but I will.
    I like the icecube and ice tea as well.

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