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  1. #1
    C_Bino's Avatar
    C_Bino is offline $BAM-7246~AR-Hall of Famer
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    Bino's training split!

    Since Tai did this I had to post up mine as well since I get some questions about how I train and what not.

    Of course it should be kept in mind that most people who know there body change their routines based on how they feel and what they feel they need to concentrate on. So mine will never be the exact same all the time and I switch it up COMPLETELY a few times throughout the year as well.

    Back Width, Bi's, Quads
    Wide grip pulls
    Bent over rows (wider overhand grip)
    Hammer strength overhead pulls (wide as can grip)

    Barbell curls
    Preacher curls
    Hammer curls (forearm infront of and parallel to body)

    Leg press
    Leg extensions
    Hack squats

    Pecs, Delts, Tri's
    Incline DB press
    Flat BB press
    Pec Dec

    Seated DB press
    Upright BB rows
    Front cable raises
    Reverse pec dec

    Rope pulldowns
    Overhead BB triceps extensions
    Tricep press downs (use wide grip attachment with elbows flared)

    Back Thickness, Hams, Calves
    T-bar rows with row attachment
    DB rows

    Seated curls
    Laying curls

    Standing raises
    Seated raises
    Leg press calf presses

  2. #2
    audis4's Avatar
    audis4 is offline Eat, Sleep, Lift...Repeat!
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    good deal, how many days do you train?
    thanks for posting your routine

  3. #3
    xlxBigSexyxlx's Avatar
    xlxBigSexyxlx is offline CHEMICALLY ENGINEERED
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    how many sets of each are you doing?

  4. #4
    C_Bino's Avatar
    C_Bino is offline $BAM-7246~AR-Hall of Famer
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    Ahhh good questions. I shoulda posted those for sure sorry.

    I train 4 days per week. This way I work eah muscle 4 times every 3 weeks. I am training in a variation of DC style right now. So concentrating on high intensity and just rest pause etc.

    I do 4 sets of each exercise, but set 1 is ALWAYS a light warm up set. So 3 working sets is the most I ever do.

  5. #5
    xlxBigSexyxlx's Avatar
    xlxBigSexyxlx is offline CHEMICALLY ENGINEERED
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    so is it:
    sun-back to 1....then monday would be off..etc, etc

    if that makes any sense??? i used numbers to represent your workout groups u posted

  6. #6
    MotoLifter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx
    so is it:
    sun-back to 1....then monday would be off..etc, etc

    if that makes any sense??? i used numbers to represent your workout groups u posted

    thats the split i thought would make the most sense also.

  7. #7
    C_Bino's Avatar
    C_Bino is offline $BAM-7246~AR-Hall of Famer
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    If I did eod that means some weeks would only be 3 days of training. Since I like to make it 4 days and have each muscle trained 4 times every 3 weeks rather than only 3 I train as follows:

    Sunday - off
    Monday - train
    Tuesday - train
    Wednesday - off
    Thursday - train
    Friday - train
    Saturday - off

  8. #8
    xlxBigSexyxlx's Avatar
    xlxBigSexyxlx is offline CHEMICALLY ENGINEERED
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    cool cool.

    also, will you be performing these in the order you listed?

  9. #9
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
    Ronnie Rowland is offline Author of Functional Training with a Fork
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    Quote Originally Posted by C_Bino
    Since Tai did this I had to post up mine as well since I get some questions about how I train and what not.

    Of course it should be kept in mind that most people who know there body change their routines based on how they feel and what they feel they need to concentrate on. So mine will never be the exact same all the time and I switch it up COMPLETELY a few times throughout the year as well.

    Back Width, Bi's, Quads
    Wide grip pulls
    Bent over rows (wider overhand grip)
    Hammer strength overhead pulls (wide as can grip)

    Barbell curls
    Preacher curls
    Hammer curls (forearm infront of and parallel to body)

    Leg press
    Leg extensions
    Hack squats

    Pecs, Delts, Tri's
    Incline DB press
    Flat BB press
    Pec Dec

    Seated DB press
    Upright BB rows
    Front cable raises
    Reverse pec dec

    Rope pulldowns
    Overhead BB triceps extensions
    Tricep press downs (use wide grip attachment with elbows flared)

    Back Thickness, Hams, Calves
    T-bar rows with row attachment
    DB rows

    Seated curls
    Laying curls

    Standing raises
    Seated raises
    Leg press calf presses
    Looks very solid. One thing I do not like about the split is training lats before thighs. It will hurt your ability to squat because lats take a lot out of the CNS.

  10. #10
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    how long does each traning session take you to complete?

  11. #11
    Undecided09's Avatar
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    What Rep range are you working in typically as well??

    Also, Bino....My small muscle groups lack I feel, Im a big believer in not overtraining small muscle groups, such as bi's/tri's etc...Im just concered that Im not hitting the right parts of those muscles and I am hitting the same parts in a session, and that might be why they arent growing, any thoughts....

  12. #12
    C_Bino's Avatar
    C_Bino is offline $BAM-7246~AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by SLINGSHOT TRAINING GURU
    Looks very solid. One thing I do not like about the split is training lats before thighs. It will hurt your ability to squat because lats take a lot out of the CNS.
    Well like I said this is just one routine I will do for maybe 10 weeks.

    My main problem in this routine I have run into is not the back/leg proximity. I find that since you are training one of the days TWICE each week that the split rotates from week to week. So for example one Monday and Friday I am training the pec/delt day, the next week Im training back thickness twice etc etc.

    So My problem is when it happens that I train back thickness and Hams on Monday, because that means on Tuesday I am training back width and bi's which is not much rest for my back. I am hitting different muscles of course and concentrating on different areas but it still takes its toll.

    I havent found that any of my lifts have gone down yet tho so I think im doing alright. My rest is still good and my nutrition on point so It has been working well so far.

  13. #13
    C_Bino's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    how long does each traning session take you to complete?
    USually around 55 mins I would say. I am never there quite an hour. The pec day takes the least amount of time for sure and my quad day the longest. But not much difference. I think its because my rest pause is even a little shorter with the smaller muscle groups as opposed to when Im doing squats.

  14. #14
    C_Bino's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Undecided09
    What Rep range are you working in typically as well??

    Also, Bino....My small muscle groups lack I feel, Im a big believer in not overtraining small muscle groups, such as bi's/tri's etc...Im just concered that Im not hitting the right parts of those muscles and I am hitting the same parts in a session, and that might be why they arent growing, any thoughts....
    Rep range is usually 10, 6, 4. Remember Im training very similar to DC style.

    As for the small muscle groups I find people get too overly concerned about overtraining. I mean I look at guys who use small muscle groups ALL DAY LONG for a living. Case in point; electricians. They are using their forearms all day long and those guys have big big forearms and strogn grips and they dont even train or eat properly. Think about that.

    Also, I think I avoid overtraining by targeting different parts of each muscle. Thats why for tris I use exercises that hit all three heads. And for bi's I do an overall mass builder than preacher for a nice shape and hammer for outter hear and brachialis development.

    Try to learn your body and perform exercises that hit specific muscle bellies. This isnt necessarily common knowledge. I mean you need to know your anatomy and pyshiology. For example, you have 4 muscle in your quads right? The deeper muscle is called the rectus femoris. It is the only muscle of the 4 that crosses the hip joint. So this means if you are keeping your hip joint flexed AND extending your quads for flexion you will be targeting that rectus femoris muscle. Perfect exercise than would be leg extensions since you are sitting with hips flexed already. Same goes for the soleus muscle of your calves. It gets more stress put on it while doing seated calf raises whereas standing calf raises will hit more the gastrocs.

    Learn your body and you can avoid overtraining.

  15. #15
    Columbus's Avatar
    Columbus is offline Anabolic Member
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    I like the exercises C - but what about a 5 day, like this

    Back Width,Back Thickness
    Wide grip pulls
    Bent over rows (wider overhand grip)
    Hammer strength overhead pulls (wide as can grip)

    T-bar rows with row attachment
    DB rows

    Quads, Hams,
    Leg press
    Leg extensions
    Hack squats

    Seated curls
    Laying curls

    Pecs, Calves
    Incline DB press
    Flat BB press
    Pec Dec

    Standing raises
    Seated raises
    Leg press calf presses

    Delts, ABS
    Seated DB press
    Upright BB rows
    Front cable raises
    Reverse pec dec

    Bi's, TRIS
    Barbell curls
    Preacher curls
    Hammer curls (forearm infront of and parallel to body)

    Rope pulldowns
    Overhead BB triceps extensions
    Tricep press downs (use wide grip attachment with elbows flared)
    Also, what are your feelings towards close grip for tris? What are bb extentions? Skulls using a barbell? What about dbell overhead?

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