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Thread: Neck Sling?

  1. #1

    Neck Sling?

    Anyone try these things? Looking for some insight into neck exercises.

    This is obviously in addition to compound movements already being done. Anyone bother with neck isolation or only trap movements? Advice...

  2. #2
    Neck harness? It strengthens the neck extensors.

    Traditional neck strengthening movements:
    Lateral Flexion

    All of these can be strengthened on the four-way neck machine. There is also rotation but it is a movement rarely trained.

    The harness only strengthens neck extension.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    ninja dojo, UK
    i use one, train my neck once a week along with traps and delts. i also wrestle regularly. I want to get my neck to 20 inches eventually, it is around 18.5/19 right now.

    Papi93 mentions the different types of neck movement, and thinking about it he is correct in saying the harness only trains the neck in one plane. For the record, the way i do the exercise (bent over, lifting the weight up when flexing my neck) strengthens neck flexion. I will add afew more changes to the routine to incorporate extension and lateral flexion

  4. #4
    Make sure that you have deadlifts, squats, and shrugs incorporated into your program design. If you want direct neck work, and don't have a 4 way neck machine, a neck harness works the neck extensors very well. Bridging also works the neck extensors. That still leaves side flexion and flexion of the neck. "Back" bridging works the neck flexors statically. I've learned an exercise from Combat Conditioning that allows you to work extension flexion, extension, and lateral flexion. It's called the 4 Way Neck Exercise. You use your bodyweight as the resistance (unless you would purchase a weight vest). Four Way Neck Exercise. Get into a headstand position and bring your feet up against a wall. Your knees will be bent to a 45 degree angle. Start with right and left side flexions. Try to touch your right ear to the ground and then your left ear. You might not be able to get a full ROM due to flexibility issues or lack of strength. Increase range as you develop more flexibility or strength. Now go into neck flexions. Try to touch your nose to the ground. Same rules apply as earlier. Lastly, go into neck extensions and try to get your chin into your chest. I'm having you do this exercise from your weakest movement (side flexion) to your strongest (neck extension).

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