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Thread: Moush's Slingshot Training Log

  1. #81
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Dirty Jerz

    Standing Barbell Curls
    3 warmup sets 35 (12,6,6)
    1) 50 x 12

    Preacher E-Z Bar Curls
    1) 60 x 14

    Hammer Curls
    1) 35 x 15

    Lying Tricep Extensions
    3 warmup sets 50 (12,6,6,)
    1) 80 x 12

    Tricep Pushdowns (straight bar attachement)
    1) 130 x 15

  2. #82
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    been following your log a little bit. im looking into this STS and im not sure i fully understand it. so your only 2-3 excercise per muscle group. with a warm up set or 3. then only one heavy work set?? is that right?

  3. #83
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Dirty Jerz
    Barbell Squat
    3 warmup sets 135 (12,6,6)
    1) 225 x 11

    Leg Extensions
    1) 140 x 13

    Stiff Leg Deadlift
    3 warmups 135 (12,6,6)
    1) 255 x 15

    Leg curls
    1) 140 x 15

  4. #84
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Dirty Jerz
    depends what phase you are in prime, blast or cruise

  5. #85
    Join Date
    Apr 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by dukkitdalaw View Post
    been following your log a little bit. im looking into this STS and im not sure i fully understand it. so your only 2-3 excercise per muscle group. with a warm up set or 3. then only one heavy work set?? is that right?
    1) 2 exercises is correct.

    2) 1-3 warm ups is correct.

    3) You do only 1 heavy work set during the blast and crusie. No heavy work is allowed during the prime!

  6. #86
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Dirty Jerz
    Monday - Chest
    Decline Barbell Bench Press
    3 warmup sets of 135 (12,6,6)
    1) Prep Set 205 x 10
    2) 275 x 5
    3) 245 x 7
    4) 225 x 6
    5) 185 x 8

    Incline Flyes
    1) 25 x 15
    2) 30 x 10
    3) 40 x 8
    4) 50 x 4
    5) 50 x 2

    Angled Standing Calf Raise
    3 warmup sets 135 (12,6,6)
    1) Prep Set 130 x 10
    2) 280 x 4
    3) 240 x 8
    4) 225 x 10
    5) 205 x 10

    Angled Seated Calf Raise
    1) 100 x 12
    2) 140 x 10
    3) 200 x 10
    4) 220 x 10
    5) 300 x 4

  7. #87
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Iron Movers Union #1500
    I've posted detailed before and after stats for my first STS cycle. Check them out and let me know what you think. Also, I'm not sure if you've already done it, but you and Uber should post your results as well on the STS thread to back up Ronnie's training method. Between the 3 of us we should be able to put enough evidence out there for people to really give STS a good hard look.

  8. #88
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Dirty Jerz
    Tuesday - Back

    3 warmup sets of 135 (12,6,6)
    1) Prep Set 225 x 10
    2) 335 x 4
    3) 265 x 10

    Shoulder Width Lat Pull Down
    1) Prep Set 100 x 10
    2) 165 x 4
    3) 140 x 9
    4) 120 x 10
    5) 100 x 15

    Hammer Strength Bent Arm Pullover
    1) 110 x 12
    2) 130 x 10
    3) 140 x 8
    4) 160 x 6
    5) 160 x 4

    Seated Cable Rows
    1) Prep Set 130 x 10
    2) 175 x 4
    3) 150 x 10

    Supported T Bar Rows
    1) 90 x 15
    2) 105 x 6
    3) 105 x 4

    hey tenmoney...i will post my results for Ronnie in the STS thread. Thats a great idea!

  9. #89
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Dirty Jerz
    Behind the Neck Shoulder Press
    3 warmup sets (12,6,6)
    1) Prep Set 135 x 10
    2) 175 x 6
    3) 160 x 10
    4) 155 x 7
    5) 100 x 15

    Leaning unilateral Lateral Raise
    1) 25 x 15
    2) 35 x 10
    3) 45 x 10
    4) 50 x 9
    5) 55 x 7

    Reverse Flye Machine (Rear Delts)
    1) 160 x 5
    2) 120 x 110
    3) 100 x 15

    1) Prep Set 80 x 10
    2) 110 x 8
    3) 95 x 9
    4) 85 x 10
    5) 75 x 15

  10. #90
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Dirty Jerz

    Standing Barbell Curls
    3 warmup sets (12,6,6)
    1) Prep Set 35 x 10
    2) 95 x 5
    3) 75 x 10
    4) 60 x 15

    Preacher E-Z Bar Curls (close grip)
    1) 55 x 10
    2) 55 x 7
    3) 60 x 5
    4) 60 x 2

    Hammer Curls
    1) 25 x 15
    2) 30 x 10
    3) 35 x 8

    Lying Tricep Extensions
    3 warmup sets (12,6,6,)
    1) Prep Set 60 x 10
    2) 110 x 3
    3) 90 x 8
    4) 80 x 9
    5) 60 x 15

    Tricep Pushdowns (straight bar attachment)
    1) 100 x 15
    2) 120 x 12
    3) 140 x 10
    4) 155 x 4
    5) 150 x 2

  11. #91
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Dirty Jerz
    Barbell Squat
    3 warmup sets (12,6,6)
    1) Prep Set 175 x 10
    2) 270 x 3
    3) 225 x 9
    4) 205 x 10
    5) 145 x 15

    Leg Extensions
    1) 100 x 15
    2) 120 x 10
    3) 140 x 10
    4) 160 x 10
    5) 200 x 5

    Stiff Leg Deadlift
    3 warmups (12,6,6)
    1) Prep Set 225 x 10
    2) 325 x 3
    3) 265 x 6

    Leg curls
    1) 120 x 15
    2) 140 x 10
    3) 150 x 10
    4) 170 x 10
    5) 190 x 5

  12. #92
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Dirty Jerz
    Monday - Chest
    Decline Barbell Bench Press
    3 warmup sets of 135 (12,6,6)
    1) Prep Set 205 x 10
    2) 285 x 4
    3) 245 x 7
    4) 225 x 7
    5) 175 x 14

    Incline Flyes
    1) 30 x 15
    2) 35 x 10
    3) 40 x 10
    4) 45 x 5
    5) 45 x 3

    Angled Standing Calf Raise
    3 warmup sets 135 (12,6,6)
    1) Prep Set 130 x 10
    2) 285 x 4
    3) 240 x 10
    4) 225 x 10
    5) 205 x 10

    Angled Seated Calf Raise
    1) 100 x 15
    2) 140 x 10
    3) 200 x 10
    4) 220 x 10
    5) 305 x 4

  13. #93
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Dirty Jerz
    Tuesday - Back

    3 warmup sets of 135 (12,6,6)
    1) Prep Set 225 x 10
    2) 345 x 4
    3) 265 x 9

    Shoulder Width Lat Pull Down
    1) Prep Set 100 x 10
    2) 170 x 4
    3) 150 x 7
    4) 125 x 10
    5) 105 x 15

    Hammer Strength Bent Arm Pullover
    1) 90 x 15
    2) 110 x 10
    3) 120 x 10
    4) 130 x 10
    5) 150 x 8

    Seated Cable Rows
    1) Prep Set 130 x 10
    2) 180 x 5
    3) 160 x 9

    Supported T Bar Rows
    1) 80 x 15
    2) 105 x 8
    3) 115 x 6

  14. #94
    good progress moush and ur bound to put on a little fat during the blast if u went from doing cardio to doing none, no big deal. thats my only problem with the STS. i put on weight easy and if i stopped doing cardio it wouldnt be pretty.

  15. #95
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Dirty Jerz
    hahah yea i hear ya but youd be second round of the blast im not putting on as much fat but im still getting stronger! I love this program!!

    Behind the Neck Shoulder Press
    3 warmup sets (12,6,6)
    1) Prep Set 145 x 10
    2) 185 x 5
    3) 175 x 9
    4) 165 x 9
    5) 135 x 15

    Machine Side Raises
    1) 30 x 15
    2) 50 x 10
    3) 60 x 10
    4) 80 x 10
    5) 100 x 4

    Reverse Flye Machine (Rear Delts)
    1) 140 x 8
    2) 120 x 10
    3) 100 x 15

    1) Prep Set 80 x 10
    2) 120 x 5
    3) 90 x 10
    4) 85 x 10
    5) 70 x 15

  16. #96
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Dirty Jerz

    Standing Barbell Curls
    3 warmup sets (12,6,6)
    1) Prep Set 35 x 10
    2) 100 x 4
    3) 85 x 8
    4) 60 x 15

    Hammer Strength Preacher Curls
    1) 45 x 10
    2) 55 x 7
    3) 55 x 4
    4) 55 x 2

    Hammer Curls (with bar)
    1) 35 x 15
    2) 50 x 10
    3) 60 x 8

    Lying Tricep Extensions
    3 warmup sets (12,6,6,)
    1) Prep Set 70 x 10
    2) 110 x 6
    3) 90 x 8
    4) 80 x 9
    5) 50 x 15

    Tricep Pushdowns (straight bar attachment)
    1) 100 x 15
    2) 120 x 12
    3) 140 x 10
    4) 150 x 10
    5) 165 x 7

  17. #97
    Join Date
    Apr 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by llrockyll View Post
    good progress moush and ur bound to put on a little fat during the blast if u went from doing cardio to doing none, no big deal. thats my only problem with the STS. i put on weight easy and if i stopped doing cardio it wouldnt be pretty.
    Cut the carbs and you will do fine! 1 aerobic session is allowed to manintain cardiovascular conditioning. Performing more than 1 cardio session during a high volume phase can decrease insulin sensitivity. Do not exceed a maximum time limit of 30 minutes per session. Cardio should be avoided on the days you train legs and back.
    Last edited by Ronnie Rowland; 12-28-2007 at 10:02 AM.

  18. #98
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Dirty Jerz
    Monday - Chest
    Decline Barbell Bench Press
    3 warmup sets of 135 (12,6,6)
    1) Prep Set 205 x 10
    2) 295 x 4
    3) 245 x 7
    4) 225 x 8
    5) 175 x 13

    Incline Flyes
    1) 30 x 15
    2) 35 x 10
    3) 40 x 10
    4) 45 x 8
    5) 50 x 2

    Angled Standing Calf Raise
    3 warmup sets 135 (12,6,6)
    1) Prep Set 220 x 10
    2) 320 x 4
    3) 245 x 10
    4) 225 x 10
    5) 205 x 15

    Angled Seated Calf Raise
    1) 120 x 15
    2) 180 x 10
    3) 220 x 10
    4) 280 x 10
    5) 320 x 6

  19. #99
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Dirty Jerz
    Tuesday - Back

    3 warmup sets of 135 (12,6,6)
    1) Prep Set 245 x 10
    2) 355 x 4
    3) 275 x 10

    Shoulder Width Lat Pull Down
    1) Prep Set 100 x 10
    2) 180 x 3
    3) 150 x8
    4) 125 x 10
    5) 110 x 15

    Hammer Strength Bent Arm Pullover
    1) 100 x 15
    2) 110 x 10
    3) 130 x 10
    4) 140 x 10
    5) 160 x 8

    Seated Cable Rows
    1) Prep Set 130 x 10
    2) 190 x 5
    3) 150 x 10

    Supported T Bar Rows
    1) 70 x 15
    2) 105 x 8
    3) 115 x 7

  20. #100
    Join Date
    Apr 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by moush View Post
    Tuesday - Back

    3 warmup sets of 135 (12,6,6)
    1) Prep Set 245 x 10
    2) 355 x 4
    3) 275 x 10

    Shoulder Width Lat Pull Down
    1) Prep Set 100 x 10
    2) 180 x 3
    3) 150 x8
    4) 125 x 10
    5) 110 x 15

    Hammer Strength Bent Arm Pullover
    1) 100 x 15
    2) 110 x 10
    3) 130 x 10
    4) 140 x 10
    5) 160 x 8

    Seated Cable Rows
    1) Prep Set 130 x 10
    2) 190 x 5
    3) 150 x 10

    Supported T Bar Rows
    1) 70 x 15
    2) 105 x 8
    3) 115 x 7
    moush, how sore are your lats getting during the blasting phase? Mine are toast today!

  21. #101
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Dirty Jerz
    Im definitely tight and sore in the last especially after yesterday! I had an awesome workout yesterday and an even better one today...check out my lifts for today

    Behind the Neck Shoulder Press
    3 warmup sets (12,6,6)
    1) Prep Set 145 x 10
    2) 195 x 6
    3) 175 x 9
    4) 155 x 10
    5) 135 x 10

    Machine Side Raises
    1) 40 x 15
    2) 50 x 10
    3) 60 x 10
    4) 80 x 10
    5) 100 x 6

    Reverse Flye Machine (Rear Delts)
    1) 160 x 5
    2) 140 x 10
    3) 120 x 15

    1) Prep Set 80 x 10
    2) 120 x 7
    3) 90 x 10
    4) 85 x 10
    5) 75 x 15

  22. #102
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Dirty Jerz

    Standing Barbell Curls
    3 warmup sets (12,6,6)
    1) Prep Set 75 x 10
    2) 100 x 5
    3) 85 x 9
    4) 70 x 15

    Hammer Strength Preacher Curls
    1) 25 x 15
    2) 35 x 10
    3) 45 x 10
    4) 55 x 5

    Hammer Curls (with bar)
    1) 55 x 12
    2) 65 x 10
    3) 70 x 6

    Lying Tricep Extensions
    3 warmup sets (12,6,6,)
    1) Prep Set 70 x 10
    2) 115 x 4
    3) 95 x 4
    4) 80 x 10
    5) 70 x 15

    Tricep Pushdowns (straight bar attachment)
    1) 100 x 15
    2) 120 x 12
    3) 150 x 10
    4) 160 x 10
    5) 170 x 7

  23. #103
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Dirty Jerz
    Barbell Squat
    3 warmup sets (12,6,6)
    1) Prep Set 175 x 10
    2) 275 x 6
    3) 245 x 8
    4) 225 x 10
    5) 185 x 15

    Leg Extensions
    1) 100 x 15
    2) 140 x 10
    3) 160 x 10
    4) 180 x 10
    5) 200 x 7

    Stiff Leg Deadlift
    3 warmups (12,6,6)
    1) Prep Set 225 x 10
    2) 335 x 3
    3) 265 x 8

    Leg curls
    1) 120 x 15
    2) 140 x 10
    3) 150 x 10
    4) 170 x 10
    5) 195 x 5

  24. #104
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Dirty Jerz
    Monday - Chest
    Decline Barbell Bench Press
    3 warmup sets of 135 (12,6,6)
    1) Prep Set 205 x 10
    2) 295 x 4
    3) 250 x 7
    4) 230 x 9
    5) 175 x 14

    Incline Flyes
    1) 30 x 15
    2) 35 x 10
    3) 40 x 10
    4) 45 x 8
    5) 50 x 2

    Angled Standing Calf Raise
    3 warmup sets 135 (12,6,6)
    1) Prep Set 220 x 10
    2) 320 x 6
    3) 280 x 8
    4) 240 x 10
    5) 190 x 15

    Angled Seated Calf Raise
    1) 120 x 15
    2) 180 x 10
    3) 220 x 10
    4) 280 x 10
    5) 320 x 7

  25. #105
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Dirty Jerz
    Tuesday - Back

    3 warmup sets of 135 (12,6,6)
    1) Prep Set 245 x 10
    2) 365 x 5
    3) 275 x 10

    Shoulder Width Lat Pull Down
    1) Prep Set 100 x 10
    2) 180 x 3
    3) 150 x 8
    4) 135 x 8
    5) 110 x 15

    Hammer Strength Bent Arm Pullover
    1) 100 x 15
    2) 110 x 10
    3) 130 x 10
    4) 150 x 8
    5) 170 x 6

    Seated Cable Rows
    1) Prep Set 130 x 10
    2) 200 x 5
    3) 160 x 10

    Supported T Bar Rows
    1) 80 x 15
    2) 105 x 9
    3) 130 x 5

  26. #106
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Dirty Jerz
    Behind the Neck Shoulder Press
    3 warmup sets (12,6,6)
    1) Prep Set 145 x 10
    2) 205 x 2
    3) 175 x 9
    4) 160 x 10
    5) 140 x 12

    Machine Side Raises
    1) 40 x 15
    2) 50 x 10
    3) 65 x 10
    4) 80 x 10
    5) 105 x 5

    Reverse Flye Machine (Rear Delts)
    1) 160 x 6
    2) 140 x 10
    3) 120 x 15

    1) Prep Set 80 x 10
    2) 120 x 7
    3) 95 x 10
    4) 85 x 10
    5) 80 x 15

  27. #107
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Dirty Jerz

    Standing Barbell Curls
    3 warmup sets (12,6,6)
    1) Prep Set 75 x 10
    2) 105 x 5
    3) 85 x 9
    4) 70 x 15

    Hammer Strength Preacher Curls
    1) 35 x 15
    2) 45 x 10
    3) 55 x 9
    4) 65 x 5

    Hammer Curls (with bar)
    1) 45 x 15
    2) 65 x 8
    3) 75 x 6

    Lying Tricep Extensions
    3 warmup sets (12,6,6,)
    1) Prep Set 70 x 10
    2) 115 x 5
    3) 95 x 9
    4) 85 x 10
    5) 75 x 12

    Tricep Pushdowns (straight bar attachment)
    1) 100 x 15
    2) 120 x 12
    3) 150 x 10
    4) 160 x 10
    5) 175 x 5

  28. #108
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Dirty Jerz
    Barbell Squat
    3 warmup sets (12,6,6)
    1) Prep Set 175 x 10
    2) 280 x 5
    3) 250 x 8
    4) 235 x 10
    5) 195 x 15

    Leg Extensions
    1) 100 x 15
    2) 140 x 10
    3) 160 x 10
    4) 180 x 10
    5) 220 x 6

    Stiff Leg Deadlift
    3 warmups (12,6,6)
    1) Prep Set 225 x 10
    2) 335 x 4
    3) 275 x 8

    Leg curls
    1) 120 x 15
    2) 145 x 10
    3) 155 x 10
    4) 175 x 9
    5) 195 x 7

  29. #109
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Dirty Jerz

    Monday - Chest
    Decline Barbell Bench Press
    3 warmup sets of 135 (12,6,6)
    1) Prep Set 215 x 10
    2) 295 x 4
    3) 250 x 9

    Incline Flyes on Cables
    1) 20 x 15
    2) 30 x 10
    3) 45 x 8

    Angled Standing Calf Raise
    3 warmup sets 135 (12,6,6)
    1) Prep Set 220 x 10
    2) 325 x 5
    3) 280 x 8

    Angled Seated Calf Raise
    1) 120 x 15
    2) 220 x 10
    3) 325 x 5

  30. #110
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Dirty Jerz
    Tuesday - Back

    3 warmup sets of 135 (12,6,6)
    1) Prep Set 245 x 10
    2) 370 x 4

    Shoulder Width Lat Pull Down
    1) Prep Set 100 x 10
    2) 180 x 3
    3) 150 x 10

    Hammer Strength Bent Arm Pullover
    1) 110 x 15
    2) 130 x 10
    3) 160 x 7

    Seated Cable Rows
    1) Prep Set 150 x 10
    2) 210 x 5

    Supported T Bar Rows
    1) 90 x 15
    2) 120 x 7

  31. #111
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Dirty Jerz
    Behind the Neck Shoulder Press
    3 warmup sets (12,6,6)
    1) Prep Set 145 x 10
    2) 200 x 5
    3) 175 x 9

    Machine Side Raises
    1) 50 x 15
    2) 80 x 10
    3) 105 x 5

    Reverse Flye Machine (Rear Delts)
    1) 160 x 6
    2) 140 x 10
    3) 120 x 15

    1) Prep Set 80 x 10
    2) 120 x 8
    3) 95 x 10

  32. #112
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Dirty Jerz

    Standing Barbell Curls
    3 warmup sets (12,6,6)
    1) Prep Set 75 x 10
    2) 110 x 5

    Hammer Strength Preacher Curls
    1) 40 x 15
    2) 70 x 8

    Hammer Curls (with bar)
    1) 65 x 14
    2) 80 x 8

    Lying Tricep Extensions
    3 warmup sets (12,6,6,)
    1) Prep Set 80 x 10
    2) 120 x 4
    3) 90 x 10

    Tricep Pushdowns (straight bar attachment)
    1) 120 x 15
    2) 150 x 12
    3) 165 x 10

  33. #113
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Dirty Jerz
    Barbell Squat
    3 warmup sets (12,6,6)
    1) Prep Set 205 x 10
    2) 295 x 5
    3) 270 x 9

    Leg Extensions
    1) 120 x 15
    2) 180 x 10
    3) 225 x 6

    Stiff Leg Deadlift
    3 warmups (12,6,6)
    1) Prep Set 235 x 10
    2) 325 x 6

    Leg curls
    1) 130 x 15
    2) 175 x 9

  34. #114
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Dirty Jerz
    Monday - Chest
    Decline Barbell Bench Press
    3 warmup sets of 135 (12,6,6)
    1) Prep Set 235 x 10
    2) 295 x 4
    3) 255 x 7

    Incline Flyes with cables
    1) 30 x 15
    2) 40 x 10
    3) 55 x 8

    Angled Standing Calf Raise
    3 warmup sets 135 (12,6,6)
    1) Prep Set 240 x 10
    2) 340 x 5
    3) 280 x 9

    Angled Seated Calf Raise
    1) 140 x 15
    2) 240 x 10
    3) 340 x 4

  35. #115
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Dirty Jerz
    Tuesday - Back

    3 warmup sets of 135 (12,6,6)
    1) Prep Set 245 x 10
    2) 380 x 4

    Shoulder Width Lat Pull Down
    1) Prep Set 100 x 10
    2) 180 x 5
    3) 150 x 10

    Hammer Strength Bent Arm Pullover
    1) 110 x 15
    2) 130 x 10
    3) 180 x 6

    Seated Cable Rows
    1) Prep Set 150 x 10
    2) 220 x 5

    Supported T Bar Rows
    1) 90 x 15
    2) 120 x 7

  36. #116
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Dirty Jerz
    Behind the Neck Shoulder Press
    3 warmup sets (12,6,6)
    1) Prep Set 145 x 10
    2) 205 x 3
    3) 175 x 9

    Leaning Side Lateral Raises (didnt like the hammer strength)
    1) 25 x 15
    2) 40 x 10
    3) 50 x 7

    Reverse Flye Machine (Rear Delts)
    1) 160 x 7
    2) 140 x 10
    3) 120 x 15

    1) Prep Set 85 x 10
    2) 120 x 8
    3) 95 x 10

  37. #117
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    On the barbell
    Go Moush!

    Keep up the great work man.

    It is pretty impressive how you stick to it.

    That's what I call dedication!

    Take care!

  38. #118
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Dirty Jerz
    thanks Uber! I appreciate guys keep me motivated to reach my goal!


    Standing Barbell Curls
    3 warmup sets (12,6,6)
    1) Prep Set 75 x 10
    2) 110 x 5

    Hammer Strength Preacher Curls
    1) 55 x 15
    2) 70 x 9

    Hammer Curls (with bar)
    1) 65 x 15
    2) 75 x 7

    Lying Tricep Extensions
    3 warmup sets (12,6,6,)
    1) Prep Set 80 x 10
    2) 120 x 4
    3) 90 x 10

    Tricep Pushdowns (straight bar attachment)
    1) 120 x 15
    2) 150 x 12
    3) 170 x 9

  39. #119
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by UberSteroids View Post
    Go Moush!

    Keep up the great work man.

    It is pretty impressive how you stick to it.

    That's what I call dedication!

    Take care!
    Moush is a Machine..

  40. #120
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    On the barbell
    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    Moush is a Machine..
    Yes he is.

    I'm a machine too... somehow ran out of fuel

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