In my opinion abs are a muscle exactly like others, so if u train the others just once a week why not train abs just like the others and hit them hard just once a week, and let the diet and cardio do the rest?
In my opinion abs are a muscle exactly like others, so if u train the others just once a week why not train abs just like the others and hit them hard just once a week, and let the diet and cardio do the rest?
i do them 3 times a week
I agree with doing them once a week and hitting them hard like any other muscle. My question is when or with which other muscle group. I am thinking about doing them right before legs???
right before legs that insane... hey if you can handle it.... I have found the best split for myself is
Sunday: Back/hammies
Monday: Chest/calves
Tuesday: OFF
Wed: Quads
Thursday: Shoulders/Traps
Friday: Arms/Abs
Saturday: OFF
and I usually take a week off every 6-10 weeks depending on how I feel..
Last edited by soulstealer; 11-14-2007 at 01:31 PM.
I get a really good ab workout when I do the stepping mill for 20 minutes after my weight training keeping abs tight throughout and then start your ab routine.But I think too much ab work could give you the undesired thick waist rather then the ideal tight waist that complements the V in your back.I would say abs 1 day a week but only if your BF% is 10% or less.
why only if your bf is less than 10? do abs more frequently if your over 10?
No if your bf is to high your not gonna see your hard work pay off cause there's a bunch of fat covering your abs.
I would say get your diet an cardio rite expose atleast the lines in your upper a**omen and then hit the abs up once a week just like there bi's or tri's or any muscle.But even then I train my abs pretty hard,not much time between sets,and other days one set per exercize but with more then normal resistance just to keep my muscles from adapting to one workout.
Last edited by dedic8ed1; 11-14-2007 at 06:00 PM.
Ab work is a waste of time and energy.Abs come with the deal.
i also do abs once a week before my back workout. imo thats all u need. i no some guys that dont do abs at all because they are afraid of getting a wide waist.
i currently workout on my abs 2 times per week(mon-thur).i dont think you need more than 2 times per week if you want them to grow.every body has abs,its the fat that hides them.increase your cardio,watch your diet.
i do them once a week. and everything weighted.usually after my chest, on chest day
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