Recently I was in the market to upgrade to some better equipment. My goal was to find a reasonable supplier I could drive to instead of paying for shipping. Christian’s EBay auctions had caught my attention because he has some of the lowest prices/shipping on Body Solid anywhere on the net. After calling I found out that the new equipment gets shipped from the factory, not from the Absolute Fitness warehouse in PA.

Christian gave me a good deal on some used equipment so I was off to PA. My truck had mechanical issues on the way (NAPA saved the day w/ parts and tools), then a massive traffic jam held me up, and then I got lost. Christian and his employees stayed open 4hrs past closing on a Friday night waiting for us to arrive, didn’t rush us one bit while scoping out their incredible selection of equipment, and then helped us load all the equipment by hand in the pouring rain. (I didn’t spend THAT much loot)

On top of it all there was a misunderstanding with the pricing on one item. I wanted Olympic plates and he quoted for standard plates. (almost a 50% difference in pricing) While he double checked his email quote I was thinking he won’t honor it, but I was wrong. After double checking it he admitted the error on his end and honored the misquoted price without hesitation.

A few weeks later I placed my order for the remainder of my stuff. Although the squat rack, bench, etc he had in the warehouse were incredible, some of the commercial stuff was just too big to navigate though my house and into the basement. To my surprise Body Solid shipping is by the skid, not by weight (maybe they all do this, I don’t know) but I was able to ship a substantial amount of equipment for only $160.

If you live in the NE or are interested in one of the many brands he is a dealer for I suggest checking them out. Christian and crew are guys just like us and I can’t say enough good things about my experience.

Contact Info:
Christian Sciarrino: Owner
Christian’s Fitness factory
2237 Coventry Rd
Lancaster, PA 17601
1-717-538-0295 Cell

Absolute Fitness
Kenneth Sides: Warehouse Manager

**I am in no way affiliated with either of these organizations; I just want to pass on my experience. Judging from their inventory my purchase was only a drop in the bucket, yet they went above and beyond IMO to take care of me and were stand up people when it came down to it.