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Thread: Good workout routine?

  1. #1

    Good workout routine?

    Hello, I was wondering if the following was a good workout for mass and strength

    Day 1
    Clean 5*5
    Incline Press 4*5
    Squat 4*5
    Weigthed pullup 4*5

    Snatch 5*5
    Flat bench press 4*5
    Front Squat 4*5
    weighted dips 4*5

    Clean 5*5
    squat 4*5
    overhead squat 4*5
    Military press 4*5

    Day 4
    Snatch 5*5
    Incline bench 4*5
    Flat Bench 4*5
    Deadlift 4*5

    all with 1:30 to 2 mins rest in between. I add in the clean and snatches because i makes me stay relatively explosive.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    I see a ton wrong with this workout. You are doing way to much in just 4 days. your body will never be able to repair itself. ALso you need to take more a minute and a half between sets. It looks like you are going for powerlifting, if you check the sticky I belive they have powerlifting workouts that are pretty good.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    uk/ south east
    Quote Originally Posted by Machdiesel View Post
    I see a ton wrong with this workout. You are doing way to much in just 4 days. your body will never be able to repair itself. ALso you need to take more a minute and a half between sets. It looks like you are going for powerlifting, if you check the sticky I belive they have powerlifting workouts that are pretty good.
    i agree....Think about implementing enough rest in between your workouts, you grow out of the gym.

    minimize overlapping of body parts and make sure you beat you’re training log each week to insure progression.

    Know workout will productive without..

    Good nutrition.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    wow!!!now thats a weird workout. Whats your stats and goals. You bodybuilding or training for a sport???

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