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Thread: training split / hammies & calves

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Exclamation training split / hammies & calves

    Trying to find a good routine that will not cause overtraining for my hamstrings, and able to work out calves twice a week in order to bring them up to par.

    Monday - Chest & Biceps

    Tuesday - Legs (squats 4x8, leg press 4 x 8, sitting calf raises 3 x 20)

    Wednesday - Off

    Thursday - Shoulders & Triceps & Traps

    Friday - Back (pull-ups 4x12+, lat pulldowns 4x10, bb rows 4x8, db rows 4x8 conventional dl 4 x 8, sitting calf raises 4 x 10)

    Saturday & Sunday - Off

    Is two days of rest b/w leg day and deadlifts for my hamstrings enough to prevent overtraining?

    Any opinions or tweaks to this routine would be appreciated.

    stats - 21 y/o, 5'8, 180lbs, 11%bf, all natty, currently debulking.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    I dont see enough sets for any overtraining. I take it that the DL is your hamstring work??? No leg curls. Its not that bad but I think the excersise slection could be better and I couldnt do only eight sets for quads and call that leg training. Ad some extentions, and 2 curling movements to legs and then hit the deads on friday.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    New York
    This is similar to a split i just currently did. I do my traps with my back though, due to the fact that trying to do back the day after traps is not going to be fun. PLUS your traps makeup most of your BACK. Do your Hams with your quads on tuesday, and do calfs on both tuesday and Friday. Thats what ive noticed to work best for me and people ive trained with. Also make sure your doing 2 different types of calf raises. You will only hit half of the muscle if you do just seated. You MUST do standing to get full calf development.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by green22 View Post
    I dont see enough sets for any overtraining. I take it that the DL is your hamstring work??? No leg curls. Its not that bad but I think the excersise slection could be better and I couldnt do only eight sets for quads and call that leg training. Ad some extentions, and 2 curling movements to legs and then hit the deads on friday.
    My previous leg routine was the same except I added leg curls for hamstrings, but when I would do deadlifts two days alter my hamstrings would begin to hurt from my first set. I felt that I could get secondary training from my leg routine on my hammies, and finish it off with deadlifts on back day. I feel like my body gets a good workout from those 8 sets, not including my feel sets.

    Does anyone else feel it necessary to add leg curls for hammies or extensions for quads? For a more complete workout on legs?

    Thanks for you info.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by ckyass View Post
    This is similar to a split i just currently did. I do my traps with my back though, due to the fact that trying to do back the day after traps is not going to be fun. PLUS your traps makeup most of your BACK. Do your Hams with your quads on tuesday, and do calfs on both tuesday and Friday. Thats what ive noticed to work best for me and people ive trained with. Also make sure your doing 2 different types of calf raises. You will only hit half of the muscle if you do just seated. You MUST do standing to get full calf development.
    Yeah I will definitely do traps with back, I just felt like it would be a really long workout, which I don't like. I prefer to do back before shoulders, but I need to rest my hammies more.

    I'm doing sitting calf raises to switch up from standing calves raises which I've been doing for severals weeks now. I think maybe a split of sitting calf raises on leg day, and standing calf raises on thursday might be good.


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