Hey guys, I have been doing this routine for quite a long time and want to switch it up:
Day 1: Chest/Tricep
Day 2: Back/Bicep
Day 3: Quads/Hams
Day 4: Shoulders/Traps/Calves/Abs
Day 5: Off
Day 6: Repeat
I've never really done an arm day before, except for when i was young and not lifting right to begin with. I was thinking between these two
Day 1: Chest/Bicep
Day 2: Quads/Hams
Day 3: Shoulder/Traps
Day 4: Back/Tricep
Day 5: Off
Day 6: Repeat
every odd day i'd do calves and even days do abs
Day 1: Chest
Day 2: Back
Day 3: Shoulders/Traps
Day 4: Quads/Hams
Day 5: Biceps/Triceps
Day 6: Off
day 1 and 4 i would do calves and 2 and 5 i'd do abs
Any input is appreciated, i wanted to start this upcoming week. Also will be changing the exercises that I do, but want the outline first. Thanks