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Thread: new workout?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Middle East

    new workout?

    okay so I was doing this workout.
    Workout #1

    EXERCISE Set # 1 Set # 2 Set # 3
    Bench Press - 6-10 Reps
    Incline - 6-10 Reps
    Decline - 6-10 Reps
    Seated Bench - 12-20 Reps
    Leg Raises - 20-25 Reps
    Crunches - 20-25 Reps


    Workout #2

    EXERCISE Set # 1 Set # 2 Set # 3
    Straight Bar/EZ Bar Curl - 6-10 Reps
    DB Curls - 8-10 Reps
    Seated Barbell Curls - 8-10 Reps
    Close Grip Bench Press - 8-10 Reps
    Skull Crushers - 6-10 Reps
    Tricep Pulldowns - 10-15
    1 Arm Pulldowns - 10 reps
    Leg Raises/ Crunches - 20 each Reps


    Workout # 3

    EXERCISE Set # 1 Set # 2 Set # 3
    Leg Press - 10 -15 Reps
    Leg Raises - 10 Reps
    Leg Extensions - 10 Reps
    Squats - 10-20 Reps
    Calf Raise - 8-10 Reps
    Seated Calf Raises - 10-12 Reps
    Shoulder Press - 6-10 Reps
    Lateral Raises - 10 Reps
    Bent over Lateral Raises - 10 Reps

    Workout # 4

    Pulldowns - 6-10
    Seated Rows - 10 Reps
    Bent Over Rows/Machine Rows - 6-10
    Dead Lifts - 8-10 Reps
    Shoulder Shrugs - 6-12 Reps


    the one I would like to do looks like this.. I want to cut down some BF and my build my chest and arms a lil

    mon- Chest
    Tue - Back
    Wed- Legs/Shoulders
    Thur- off
    Fri - Chest Tris
    Sat - Tri - Bi's
    Sun - Off

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Middle East

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