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Thread: Fitness Advice for Woman

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

    Fitness Advice for Woman

    I have a female friend that had a baby about a year ago. She is working hard to lose the baby weight and get back in shape and is doing really well so far using cardio on a tread mill and some weight training.

    She was asking me the other day for advice about her trouble area - her thighs. Anyone (especially female members) have any recommendations for women trying to tighten up their thighs?

    I have her using an incline on the treadmill and will be making sure she is doing lunges and straight-leg deadlifts (light) to tighten up her hams / glutes. Is there anything else I can tell her?



  2. #2
    does she do that girly machine?

    Also she might want to sign up for some bicycle classes at here nearest gym that would have those

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