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Thread: Been Off For Four Months

  1. #1

    Been Off For Four Months

    I took 4 months off, before my time off i was lifting 4 days a week for about 2 years. I did one cycle during the two years, I was 175lbs when I started, my heaviest weight was 200lbs now I weigh 195lbs my height is 6'3. My first question is what type of program do you bros recommend to get started back on the right track? #2- I've read a bit about the slingshot program, would it be a good idea to start after my time off? #3-should i wait a couple of months before I start my next cycle? My past workout program consisted of more power lifting than bodybuilding exercises, should I switch it back the opposite now? Thank you.

  2. #2
    Wow this is the fist time that nobody has replied. Am I asking a stupid question? or is it that I posted in the wrong section? If I am asking an impossible question, I apologize, but I truly would love to hear what all you peeps have to say. Thank you

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Bro Ive had extended lay offs in the past due to injury. Ive always just eased my body back into training. By that I mean Im not jumping right back on heavy weights. Give your senconday and stablizing muscles a chance to get back strong. especially on things where you may be suseptable to injury,ex BB row, squats, benches ect. Just listen to your body, realize that shits gonna feel way heavier that it was before. Be carefull and good luck

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    I agree.

    Ease back into the training. Sure it will feel heavier than it used to but muscle memory kicks in and it is pretty easy to get that muscle back. I feel that when muscle memory kicks in after a long layoff, I pack on the muscle fast and I end up exceeding my previous weight. I'm not endorsing frequent lay-offs. But sometimes stuff happens IE: injuries, surgery, whatever. This has been my experience after longer than usual lay-offs though.
    So what Im saying is wait until you return to your previous stats or better before running that cycle. That muscle is easy to regain even without AAS.

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