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Thread: Strength and cutting? this is the question...

  1. #1

    Strength and cutting? this is the question...

    HELLO folks, im new here. BEEN off for about 17months. lost most of my muscle, and put on a lot of pounds of fat.

    now im off to cardio in the mornings etc... and high ass reps...(tedius)

    1 question, when u are cutting, what is the aim?(apart from losing fat)
    can i gain strength?

    i know i cant gain muscle (as everyones telling me its impossible)

    if their anything i can do on this CUT that will complement my BUILDING after the cut?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    keep your protein high and you will lose minimal strength or it is possible to get stronger and cut since you have been off so long

  3. #3
    thanks dude

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Dallas, TX
    Being off so long I believe its possible that you will still be able to gain some muscle while cutting....just throw in a few heavy sets during your workouts!!! Good luck and congrats on getting back into it!!!!

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