My girlfriend is having trouble firming up. She is in her early 40's and has been working out for a good year and does not seem to be getting anywhere. She is 5' 7", about 135lbs. She looks thin and has hardly any body fat. She has a nice shape and I can see her abs. The problem is that she is pretty soft all over. There is just no firmness anywhere.
She works out her whole body and concentrates more on her lower half, but does work out her whole body. She wants to firm up her legs and her butt, so I have her doing squats, leg presses, deads, leg raisies, leg curls, etc for lower, but she cannot seem to firm up at all. It is like her muscles are not responding to the workout.
For cardio, she does 1/2 hour on the tread mill and 1/2 hour on the elliptical about 5 to 6 times a week. Her diet is clean.
Any suggestions? I would have thought by now that she would be somwhat firm, but it doesn't seem like working out is making much of a difference.