So, I have been out of the lifting scene for about a year and a half now due to a seirous shoulder tear. Didnt even realize so long had passed. I have gone to the gym for a month or 2 at a time since then, but nothing too serious. I want to get back into my 5 day a week routine, hitting one muscle group a day and start bulking again however I have alot of instabilites and weak tendons. Im also completely unflexible. Im working on stretching but my knees, wrists, and any other joint pop or whatever from time to time. I was going to start with alot of resistance band training and calesthenics but figured i'd ask for some advice.

Maybe someone out here can write me up a plan if they have some time. I know its alot to ask and most people dont appreciate the advice they are given but I would sincerely appreciate it!

I am about 5'11, 200lbs...sitting at about 14-15% BF. I dont have any health issues (Minus the lump on my nut for those of you who read that thread lol) and my biggest issue is just motivation. I'm the guy who hjits the gym every day, twice a day while on AAS, yet needs to drag himself there during the offseason. So if the workout is too complicated or boring I tend to lose interest.

I also LOVE free weights and the only use circuit equiptment for shoulders and pec flies now that Im still weak from the injury.

Anyways Thanks to all you guys who can help me out! I'd love to get back in shape again!!! w00t!