I know most lifters, including me, are scared to change a workout program because they are afraid that they might get weaker. I have trained every body part twice a week, as long as I have been working out. I now realize I have been overtraining, and probably robbing myself of valuable gains. My question has two parts to it (what else is new). My first question is with the use of anabolic steroids, does this enable one to train a body part twice a week, or is once a week still sufficient? My second question is what role, if any, should machines (ex cybex, hammer strength, etc.) play in a workout routine? Are they suitable substitutes for mass builders such as the bench press, deadlift, and the squat? Or should one just train reps done with the mass builders every cycle? What I mean by this is lets say one 12 week training cycle, a person uses anabolic steroids over the course of the cycle. They perform 6-8 reps on the heavy movements. In order to achieve gains on the next training cycle (without steroids), is it feasible to lower the weight on the main movements and go for 10-12 reps, and change only the accessory work in order to still achieve gains, and maintain strength from the steroid cycle?