odd weeks.
5 sets of 6,6,10,10,12
chest day:
all barbell and cable
flat bench 5 sets of 6,6,10,10,12
incline " "
decline" "
cable flyes high and low " "
Shoulders day:
barbell mil press " "
leaning lat raise" "
upright row " "
bent over lats " "
barbell shrug " "
bi and tri:
lying dumbell tri extenstions
ovedrhead tri extension
barbell curl
incline curl
preacfher curl.
back day.
bent over rows
and pulldowns.
even weeks
sets of 5 but higher reps 10 10 15 15 20
damn near all the same
what u guys think? good bad ? good for getting mass?
what should i do?