Hi, I'm aiming to make my new workout high intensity, get in, work hard and get out in 45-60 mins.
Age 23, 6'1", 184lbs, bf appr. 12%. Aiming to get to 200lbs naturally before even thinking about anything else.
So here goes. Also, I don't know the exact names of some of the machines so bare with me.
Day 1 Chest/Biceps
Chest. (A bit concerned that 4 sets may be more appropriate for flat and incline press?)
Incline DB 3x8
Flat DB 3x8
Cable Crossover 3x8
Dips 3x8
Preacher Curls 4X8
Seated Curls 4X8
D3 Back/ Triceps.
Back. (I'm a bit worried that this simply isn't enough for back?)
Seated Rows 4X8
Lower Back Machine 4X10
Lat Pulldowns 4X8
Close Grip Skullcrushers 4X8
Pull Downs 4X8
Dips 4X8
D5. Shoulders/ Traps
Military Press 4X8
Front Raises 3X8
Side Raises 3X8
Seated Bent Over Lateral Raises 3X8
Shrugs 4X8
D7 Legs.
Quads Machine 4X12
Hams Machine 4X12
Calf Machine 4X12
Squats 4X8
Getting to the gym more isn't an issue as I only live 30 secs walk away.