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Thread: Overtraining???

  1. #1


    I am quite lean but have a some fat around the stomach and am currently trying to lose some of this in preparation for my bulking diet.
    I dont usually do much Cardio (although I ride around on my bike alot) but have included it in my current program.

    I used to do three sets per exercise/day but have cut down to two. This takes around 25mins

    MONDAY - Legs - Squats, Leg Extention, Hamstring Curl, Calf Raises
    TUESDSAY - Back - Bent over row, Front Pulldown, Lower Back Ext, Rev Shrug
    WEDNESDAY - Shoulders - Arnold Press, Cable Upright Row, Rev Fly, Dumbbell fron raise
    THURSDAY - Chest & Triceps - Declined dumbell fly, Machine Press, Inc Machine Press, Bench Dip, Cable Pushdown
    FRIDAY - Arms - Dumbell Curl, Barbell Curl, Reverse Barbell Curl, Wrist Curl

    And do CARDIO Mon, Frid - 30 Mins on Bike Cardio burning about 150 - 200 Calories
    Wed - 30 Mins Swim Breaststroke around 30 Lengths (25 mins)


    By Thursday I usually feel fatigued. I usually go after meal two but am straight into work afterwards in the evening and I also work Saturday.

    I used to do two exercises for 1 hour with a day off inbetween so do each muscle once every 8 days but was advised that it is better to go mon - frid with weekends off.
    This used to work quite well as I was fully fuelled for my workouts (although like mentioned I did not do Cardio then)

    Was wondering if it would be better to go EOD so do each muscle only once every 10 days. However I have not read anywhere that this is standard

    Any thoughts, comments would be appreciated

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    I would say that's overtraining the smaller muscles. I know Swolecat, an old member posted a great thread on this, but I can't find it. Basically, for big muscle groups, lats, quads, chest, do 8-10 sets of hard coumpounds, for smaller muscle groups only 6 is needed. It works for me.

    Find what works for you, and listen to your body, if it tells you it's tired, and you're eating and sleeping right, you're probably overtraining.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    For starters try putting leg and back day farther apart. Next, periodize your sets in 8 week training cycles..If that does not work try a 4 day split..

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    I dont think its over-training, but Im a volume guy.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    I do wayyy more sets and find I can recoup if my diet is on and my sleep in on....if I slack on either, I'm screwed.....

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    ya i dont think your overtraining at all

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Columbus View Post
    I do wayyy more sets and find I can recoup if my diet is on and my sleep in on....if I slack on either, I'm screwed.....
    Yea it might be beause I have lowered my calories in order to lose some fat plus being busy with stuff at home and then rushing to work after training. I think I get enough sleep but probably could do with more rest.
    The weird thing is that I am quite thin like in the face, arms and top of stomach. But there is some fat around bottom of stomach and waist which looks odd. It does not look too bad when it is tucked into my jeans but when I have no clothes on and relax it seem to stick right out. But yet it does not seem wobbly like fat but hard. LOL. I wonder if my problem is water bloat rather than fat.

    Also I think because I am thin everywhere else I seem to be losing muscle more than fat. I do try to keep my protein high though. I think next time I should do a steroid cutting cycle to prevent the msucle loss.

    I am using Clen three times a week at the mo, does this speed up muscle loss or help prevent it due to its anticabolic properties?

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    For starters try putting leg and back day farther apart. Next, periodize your sets in 8 week training cycles..If that does not work try a 4 day split..
    Yea, I usually change my program every 8 weeks. I think that I may go back to a four day split as you say as it seems to work better for me that way.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Training Hardcore Style
    here is how i run mine.

    mon - tris and bis
    Tue - Legs
    Wed - shoulders/abs
    Thu - back
    fri - chest.

    Works good for me. I take weekends off. Have to for family sake... I do cardio at the house at times on weekends. A lot say not to go more than 4 days straight for proper resting of cns... I haven't had overtraining symptoms only when going extra hard on cardio like 6 days a week.

  10. #10
    I had a cheat meal yesterday; an enormous cassarole and then a bannana just before training. The fatique went away so it must have been the low carbs.

    Don't think that I am going to diet again without some form of anabolic as I seem to lose more muscle that fat. Or I might just bulk all the time and forget about the fat until it gets too much.

    Thanks everyone for your advise

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    the basement
    I think it looks pretty good. I could never do legs at the beginning of my schedule. Made me too tired for next couple days. I agree with Ronnie in moving your leg and back days. Maybe legs in between shoulders and chest. Good luck.

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