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Thread: forearms

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2005


    I have what you could call tornado arms. 20.5 inch upper arm circumference, but tiny ass pathetic forearms. I train them alot, and they just wont grow. They are strong, but i havent noticed any growth since before my college years. Any one know any unique, untraditional exercises?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    england/north east
    Quote Originally Posted by Philmac23 View Post
    I have what you could call tornado arms. 20.5 inch upper arm circumference, but tiny ass pathetic forearms. I train them alot, and they just wont grow. They are strong, but i havent noticed any growth since before my college years. Any one know any unique, untraditional exercises?
    do you use wrist straps when you lift heavy ?
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    look around for Ramblin' Freak's posts....he seems to have some experience with forearms...and i am sure he's shared his routine before...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Philmac23 View Post
    I have what you could call tornado arms. 20.5 inch upper arm circumference, but tiny ass pathetic forearms. I train them alot, and they just wont grow. They are strong, but i havent noticed any growth since before my college years. Any one know any unique, untraditional exercises?
    It's your genetics Philmac..Forearms and calves are hard to build if you aren't born with them..Hammer curls and wrist curls are your best bet. ..Do them following your upper arm training..That's about all you can do except maybe toss some reverse wrist curls into the mix..

    Sorry, I know that's probably not what you wanted to hear..

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    right here
    whats up bro? u gotta train em hard and heavy.genetics plays a big part tho, post up ur routine for forearms

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    I work forearms 3 days a week, at the end of the lift session. I change it up each day. I might start out by sitting on a bench, taking 110lbs preset bar, resting my wrists on my knees and rolling the bar into my fingertips and back up 10-15 times for 4 sets. then reverse wrist curls with 60lbs bar for 4 sets. Finish with some standing reverse curls with 60lbs. Next day do behind the back standing wrist curls with 145lbs, then superset with standing reverse wrist curls. I often use dumbells, and do dumbell wrist curls to change it up. Ive tried to use the cable crossover and an incline bench before, where you lay your arm on the incline and curl your wrist that way, but that really hurt my wrist even at low weight. I feel like im a pretty big guy at 255 with 21 inch arms, but if I have a t-shirt on thats got longer sleeves and covers my upper arm then you would never guess I had 21's. Ive had people meet me in the winter when I have a dress shirt on, become aquainted, then see me in the summer and not even recognize me because of the clothing difference. They act like I just put all this mass on. It is kinda funny!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    right here
    in my opinion your overtraining em your workin forearms on alot of other exercises,I throw forearms in like 1 maybe 2 a week.from what u listed above it looks like ur hittin them pretty good.Try just going in on your day off and and pounding on them dont do anything forearm routine looks like this right now but it changes every couple of months
    behind the back db wrist curls heavy 4 sets10-8-8-6
    reverse bb curls 3 sets10-8-8
    in my gym they have a forearm machine i call it the gripper 4 set 10-10-10-8
    this works for me check em out

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Philmac23 View Post
    I work forearms 3 days a week... 10-15 times for 4 sets. then reverse wrist curls with 60lbs bar for 4 sets. Finish with some standing reverse curls with 60lbs. ...
    assuming that last exercise is another 4 sets you are working 12 sets/day x 3/wk = 36 sets per week

    i think you are overtraining and not giving the muscle time to recoup (aka grow)

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    I had some trainer at my gym who claimed to be a exercise phisologist, he said you cant over train your forearms. I def felt that was inaccurate, but I wasnt sure how much would be considered overtraining. Maybe Ill dedicate a day to them, a few days before arm day. They are def getting stronger, just not any bigger.

    I rarely ever use wrist straps.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    my dad has some beast forearms, shame I couldnt inherete them.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    right here
    well im a rocket scientist too!Anyone can claim they are whatever but your forearms have muscle and yes u can overtrain muscle

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    yea i agree, do you think its to much to incorporate forearms into arm day. I have for the most part always done arms at the end of the week, and finished with a few forearm exercises. Since they already have a pump from doing heavy bi's would you consider finishing with forearms overtraining.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    right here
    your forearms already have a good pump by that time,i would dedicate your day off to just forearms thats just me

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    yea il give it a try. Ill also throw some abs and calfs in that day. Thanks for the input!

  15. #15
    well forearms have the muscles which really need to be hit hard. Many have natural built forarms and they jsut have to move couple of reps to make the forearms look good. But for hardgainers the forearms must ne trained thrice with only two exercises to hit the diferent area of forarm. And pehaps its somewhat sometime neglected part by us.

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