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Thread: Post up your workout split or routine!!!!

  1. #1

    Post up your workout split or routine!!!!

    I'm looking for some new ideas. My current split is getting old. So I figured also this would give us a chance to see others splits as well. I'll start off with my new one.

    Sunday - Chest/Shoulders
    Monday - Back
    Tuesday - OFF
    Wed - Legs
    Thurs - Bi's Tri's
    Friday - Traps
    Saturday - Off

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    sun - off
    mon - chest
    tues - biceps
    wed - shoulders
    thurs - triceps
    fri - back
    sat - legs

    typically 4-5 exercises per muscle group, 5 sets per exercise, last 2 sets are failure sets

    we actually only do 3 sets per exercise now, 1 warmup, and 2 failure sets.

    works good, i'm sore after every workout.

    -clocky baby

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