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Thread: What if...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    No sources

    What if...

    What if...
    I had more time to cook
    Less time at work and more time to train
    I wasn't so tired all the damn time
    Had more quality sleep
    Wasn't so stressed out.

    These are all the things I think about when I'm busting my ass to stay in shape and improve my physique. With my work schedule, responsibilities like a wife and daughter to support, I feel like I'm probably doing the best that I can. How many excuses can you come up with? What kind of shape would you be in if you had all day to yourself to train, eat and sleep just like the pros?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    every where
    there is no way in hell i could ever have the time to list the what ifs i have to deal with but i completly uderstand where ur coming from hell i dont even have the money to go to the gym i use common house hold items for weights thank god thats changing next month just remember it could always be worse hell i remember when i was in iraq and we were using grease buckets and ammo cans for weights

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