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Thread: same post is workout, Gym/ Test

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Canada eh

    same post is workout, Gym/ Test

    I am using Test C, About 500mg per week. I have a job that I have to work 4 10's.


    On Sunday Morning I will do Legs/Chest
    On Monday Morning I will do Bi-cep/Shoulders
    On Thursday Off - Should I be biking?
    On Wed Off
    On Thursdays Morning Ti-cep/Back
    Then Friday back to Leg/Chest and so on.

    Will those two days hurt me? That I take off.

    I eat good and all and I am 6 weeks into test and started feeling my Test last week, haven't seen to much gains but was seeing if that was cause the test didn't kick in yet.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    5 days a week is fine to lift. Has this routine been working for you as in terms of muscle gains?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    what happened to saturday?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    the routine could be better, i wouldnt group legs and chest together i would do something like this


    or my personal fav


    also when posting your workout, add in sets,reps and what exercise you are we get a better picture
    Last edited by The WeaPoN; 02-28-2008 at 11:54 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Canada eh
    I use saturday and that, I just start again with sunday, The way I work at my workplace I have no monday to friday workout days

    I was doing one body part a day, but sometime I can't make it in cause my work will call me in early and then that f*cks my week plan up, so I try to get in 2 body parts a day, and use day offs to rest,.

    About the gaining I not sure I have not wieghted my self in 2 weeks, My arms look to be getting more rip looking, my ab area I don't touch so that looks the same, I am trying to find out if I am doing things right, cause I am 6 weeks in and don't think I got what I should have.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Heres my split.

    mon- chest,biceps
    tue- legs
    wed- off
    thur- back
    fri- shoulders, tries.
    sat- off

    I wouldn't ever want to do chest and legs on the same day, I'm not even sure if I physically could. I also like a day of rest after training legs. If you're killin it in the gym you need plenty of rest, those 2 days should give you a fresh start for the next week.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Canada eh
    Quote Originally Posted by jethro1 View Post
    Heres my split.

    mon- chest,biceps
    tue- legs
    wed- off
    thur- back
    fri- shoulders, tries.
    sat- off

    I wouldn't ever want to do chest and legs on the same day, I'm not even sure if I physically could. I also like a day of rest after training legs. If you're killin it in the gym you need plenty of rest, those 2 days should give you a fresh start for the next week.
    See I always start with Leg frist day, To get my Test levels running, and I just though since I do legs that I wouldn't want to do to many lifts that invole me standing cause my legs are uslay in pian, So I choice Leg and chest, and I like to keep my arms in the game so I try to rest between but work them out twice a week bi one day then ti next. I ALSO do front forearm with bi and back forearm with ti's I only do one workout for them on those days.

    But When I start Cardio I would like to do one body part a day or try to and bike for 25min after EOD, and use day offs to up my cardio to 30-45mins.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by jethro1 View Post
    Heres my split.

    mon- chest,biceps
    tue- legs
    wed- off
    thur- back
    fri- shoulders, tries.
    sat- off

    I wouldn't ever want to do chest and legs on the same day, I'm not even sure if I physically could. I also like a day of rest after training legs. If you're killin it in the gym you need plenty of rest, those 2 days should give you a fresh start for the next week.
    thats what my training program looks like except I do back on fri. and to the thread starter legs are a huge muscle group I would try to train them separately, cause if your in the gym too long youll hurt your gains.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Canada eh
    Quote Originally Posted by mx3 View Post
    thats what my training program looks like except I do back on fri. and to the thread starter legs are a huge muscle group I would try to train them separately, cause if your in the gym too long youll hurt your gains.

    Really, So do you think it would be better to Do some cardio before starting legs or after, to take time up.

    Cause I do Sqauts and Leg Press, Calf raises, and I was using the Ski machine after and my legs would be hurting.

    I could maybe put in another leg workout if needed, if so what one would be good?

    I uslay only rest 30 sec between set is this good.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Canada eh
    Or should I add in another sets I am only doing 3 now, uslay heavy 6reps

    I also get a 4 day leg workout at work, just more Cardio style

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Come on guys. Wrong forum. Move to the exercise forum

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by High-roller View Post
    Really, So do you think it would be better to Do some cardio before starting legs or after, to take time up.

    Cause I do Sqauts and Leg Press, Calf raises, and I was using the Ski machine after and my legs would be hurting.

    I could maybe put in another leg workout if needed, if so what one would be good?

    I uslay only rest 30 sec between set is this good.
    I would do 3 working sets per exercise. since legs are a large muscle group you can add in more exercises like leg extensions and or hamstring curls. I normally take 2-2.5 min. in between sets and I do cardio on my off days. 45min per muscle group is normally sufficient. but njord is right you should start a thread in the workout forum. also you should have all this stuff down before using aas you pry should have waited a while to start.

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