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Thread: How would YOU train for this PHYSICAL TEST

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Toronto, Canada

    Question How would YOU train for this PHYSICAL TEST

    Here's what I have to do. I have about 2 months to be able to get this down packed bro's. I could use your techniques/experiences and what's going to help get me through this. You need to score a minimum of 75% overall to pass. But that's not my goal, perfect is. But here's the scores anyways.

    A. Aerobic Capacity (Worth 50 of 150 points)
    1.5 Miles in under 9:00 = Perfect
    1.5 Miles between 10:57-11:52 = 75%

    B. Muscular Endurance (Worth 20 of 150 points)
    62 Consecutive Push Ups = 22/20 (+2 Bonus)
    55 Consecutive Push Ups = 21/20 (+1 Bonus)
    49 Consecutive Push Ups = 20/20 Perfect
    27-28 Consecutive Push Ups = 75%

    C. Muscular Strength (Worth 20 of 150 points)
    65-75 Curls Ups in 3 minutes = Perfect
    31 Curl Ups in 3 minutes = 75%

    D. Sit-N-Reach (cm) (Worth 10 of 150 points)
    10 cm = Perfect
    7.5 cm = 75%

    E. Anaerobic Capacity (100 Yard Sprint) (Worth 20 of 150 points)
    100 Yards in Under 10.5 Seconds = Perfect
    100 Yards in Under 13 Seconds = 75%

    F. Body Fat (Sum Of 5 Skinfolds) (Worth 10 of 150 points)
    32mm - 58mm = Perfect
    29.5mm - 68mm = 75%

    G. Muscular Strength (Chin Ups *Partial Bicep Curl Ups*) (Worth 10/150)
    31 in 30 Seconds = 12/10 (+2 Bonus)
    24 in 30 Seconds = 11/10 (+1 Bonus)
    18 in 30 Seconds = Perfect
    15.5 in 30 Seconds = 75%
    *NON-CONSECUTIVE ALSO ADDED* (can take a brief pause and
    return, but timer still counts)

    H. Muscular Strength (Bench Press - 1RM) (Worth 10 of 150 points)
    Bodyweight PLUS 60lbs = 12/10 (+2 Bonus)
    Bodyweight PLUS 20lbs = 11/10 (+1 Bonus)
    Bodyweight Subtract 20 lbs = Perfect
    Bodyweight Subtract 45 lbs = 75%

    Taking everything in order, adding in all the bonus', it's possible to get 156/150 or 104%, which is my goal. Just some exercises besides the obvious (doing the exercises) would be greatly appreciated.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    FL to NY
    is that for a fireman test?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Two days prior is where you need the most rest. Prepare to sleep at least 8 hours.

    The day before carb load. East a lot of grains and pasta to boost glycogen stores. This will be even more dramatic since you are under a glycogen depletion according to another thread. You response will be more sensitive to this and you will be an animal that day!

    As far as the running and sprints - always train at twice the distance of the competition... i.e., if you were running 3 miles you would train at 6.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Toronto, Canada
    Warrior, shit bro, I should just talk to you! Haha! You seem to answer all my threads with what I'm looking to hear. Much appreciated.

    The notion of training twice the distance is a wicked on. 3 miles ain't so bad and when the test date comes, it should be a piece of cake.

    And you're right, I will be carb depleted. Here's a link to the thread:

    I'm dropping excess weight to make getting perfect a bit easier on the weight-related items (pretty much all of them).

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    LMAO. A good book for you would be Tudor Bompa's Periodization. I got mine at It describes how to train athletes using Super Compensation. It helped me run my 3 mile in the Marines in a little over 20 minutes once. That was a good time for someone wieghing in at 220 lbs!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Michigan State University
    carb loading only works if u do it for at least 3 maybe 4 days

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Originally posted by saboudian
    carb loading only works if u do it for at least 3 maybe 4 days
    But he wants to limit excess water and fat gain... the day before can only help especially since he will be reseting his sensitivity with carb depletion on a borderline keto diet... right?

    I used to only eat a big carb meal the day before and had a nice pump with extra energy the next day. The 3 days I think may be more appropriate for Marathon type events... and it looks like his current test may only be about one and half hours with only about 12 minutes of high aerobic (running 1.5 miles - easy shit).

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    BTW brah. That is a relatively easy run time. When is your test date?

    Just train at least 3 miles for runnning. Do sprints, and what I think is called "Pick-Ups" or "Wind Sprints". Pick-ups, or whatever they are called, will help you increase your speed. To do them, it is like sprints only you never really stop running. You sprint - then run - sprint - then run...

    YET ANOTHER OPTION: A Marine buddy and I would go to a track with a stop watch. We would take turns running a lap while the other took time with the stop watch. And rotate like that, you get a one lap rest - depending on how fast your friend is . The goal is to keep the same time. If your first lap is 3:03 than you want 3:03 for each consecutive. Not 3:05 or 3:25 - 3:03. This drill helps you beat mental exhaustion that usually slows you down in the end.
    Last edited by Warrior; 10-05-2002 at 02:49 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Toronto, Canada
    I got a question for you Warrior *or anyone*. In your opinion, would the BEST way to train for this test (Nov 20/02) be to do what I'm doing, carb-depletion to lower bodyweight and minimize muscle loss with Trib+Clen, OR, eat a clean diet with enough protein and carbs to help support growth and strength.

    In terms of the test, the only things I need to work on are the cardio aspects, the chin ups and the push ups. The chins, I find I weigh too much or just isn't strong enough in the forearms and bi's to pull off 18 in a row. The push ups, I'm okay there. The cardio though, that's just practice and repitition. But which diet to stick by?


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    I have been thinking about this lately, and I am not so sure the carb depletion would be good for you this close to the test. You will need to train to bring your cardio up which will require adequette energy. I would suggest eating a Zone (40-30-30) type diet to maximize your energy and fat loss goals. And keep up with adequette cardio drills.

    You could do your cardio first thing in the morning to maximize fat loss (due to low insulin levels from overnight fasting) and work on endurance (cause you will be a little tired). Then during the test you will have the carb load from the day before and maybe a little something to eat that day - and things will be easier.

    Resistance training at night when your body temperature is warmest and you have eaten for adequate energy.

    As far as 18 pull-ups. I found I did my most using a underhand grip instead of the overhand wide grip. Which in theory makes no sense - but this was easiest for my body structure. BTW, the guys that can pump out pull ups all day long are those with big upper bodies and small itty-bitty legs.

    How do you do your pull-ups and how many can you do strictly right now? Does the test allow kimping or bicycling or do they not count the ones that do not maintain a rigid body positioning?

    What is your current run time?

    You only have about 40 days till d-day so make sure to get plenty of cardio run drills in which will help lean you out too.

    All and all... these type of tests require you to experiement a bit and find what works for you. I or we, can give you general advice but there may be less "convential" things that will work good for you. Like I actually found I did my best score after a carb depletion and then load... I felt really pumped that morning. But I also had 6 months of training for it. We did ours twice a year - 20 Pull-ups, 100 crunches (2 min.), and 3 miles (18 minutes), all based on very strict form. Each event was worth 100 points for a maximum total of 300.

    As far as "supps" like Clen, I never trained with that stuff and do not know how it will help or if it will not be good to do. Let me know your results. You could probably get away with doing the Clen for 2 weeks followed by E/C/A for the last 2 weeks. Can you get away with some Winny to help your pull ups and fat loss goals speed up?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    I would keep your carb levels up right now while you're training czu you'll need the energy. A week before competition cut them down so it's depleted, and with 2 days remaining load up with carbs and water so they oversaturate.

    It's obvious the cardio is worth the most so keep that in mind. However, you should concentrate on whatever you need the most work in. What is your approx time for the 1.5mi run currently? Another thing to keep in mind is you're doing all the tests in one a matter of hours so i would work on your endurance. And do a run through of everything once a week as if it were the big day. It's easy to train for one event and pass it but to pass event after event after event will wear you down.

    Out of curiousity, what is this test for?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Originally posted by brad fuel
    A week before competition cut them down so it's depleted, and with 2 days remaining load up with carbs and water so they oversaturate.
    I personally had good results doing that for my tests in the Marines. Got me sensitive enough to get a good pump. I did only load the day before though. Not 2 days.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    i say 2 days mostly for the water part of it. It's hard to fully rehydrate yourself in 1 day.
    what i posted is just a typical carbohydrate loading program

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Toronto, Canada
    Quoting Warrior:
    How do you do your pull-ups and how many can you do strictly right now? Does the test allow kimping or bicycling or do they not count the ones that do not maintain a rigid body positioning?

    - Right now I can pull off 12 underhand. I find my legs are the biggest weigh down. I measured my quads yesterday and the left is 27" and the right is 26.5", and there's very little fat on them. I think that's why it's so hard for me to pull them off. I can do the 12, but when I stop, it's tough even to get 2 out again. Another answer is the test doesn't allow any break in form. Your body has to be dead straight, and no assistance from your legs. Just a clean chin *underhand like you mentioned*.

    In regards to other "supps", I think I'll stay away from those until the test is complete. I'm still a steroid-virgin and I'm going to try to keep making gains naturally before I head off to the "darkside"

    Quoting Brad Fuel:
    Out of curiousity, what is this test for?
    However, you should concentrate on whatever you need the most work in. What is your approx time for the 1.5mi run currently?

    - Don't hate mr bro's, 'cause I'm still part of the nWo, but it's a police physical testing.
    - My approx time? I'll find out today. I haven't done cardio in a LONG while. I was saving up on Calories to bulk up, but this test date was available so I jumped to the challenge.

    Once again, it's MUCH appreciated to everyone, especially Warrior for helping me out.

    Peace bro's.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Toronto, Canada
    Ps. I'm going to the gym now on a new routine I made up last night, alongside taking your advice on the diet. When I get back, I'll post it up and tell me what you think.


  16. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Where are you located Ronny? I'm planning to eventually apply for the police in my area (canada), but our requirements aren't as intense as yours ( i don't htink so atleast). I've done the POPAT (police officer's physical aptitude test) and passed the required time but not the best i could've done.

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Toronto, Canada
    Bradfuel, check your PM.

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    Toronto, Canada
    Here's the routine:

    Monday + Thursday

    Flat Bench Press 3x10 4x3
    Incline Bench Press 4x3 3x10
    Barbell Curls 3x10 4x3
    Dumbell Shrugs 3x10 3x10
    Lat Pull Down 4x5 3x10
    Close-Grip Bench Press 3x10 4x5
    Dumbell Rows 4x5 3x10
    T-Bar Rows 3x8 4x5
    Dumbell Press 4x5 3x10
    3-Way Raises 3x10 4x5
    Wrist Curls 3x15 4x10

    Workout 2
    Barbell Squat 4x5
    Power Clean+Jerk 5x3
    Stiff Leg Deadlifts 4x5
    Leg Extensions 3x10
    Hamstring Curls 3x10
    Maching Calf Raises 3x20
    Lunges 4x8
    Bodyweight Calf Raises 5x20

    Works real well. The reason I hit legs once is because I do a lot of cardio with resistance (plyometrics, uphill runs, interval sprints, wind sprints, etc...) Upper body twice, because I hit each part once heavy and light each week. Works well for strength.

    The food looks like this:
    Protien - 240g
    Carbs - 300g
    Fats - 70g
    Last edited by RoNNy THe BuLL; 10-07-2002 at 11:28 PM.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Looks good brah... you sound like a very educated athlete and I am sure you will do well and be an excellent addition to the Police Dept...

    Make sure you do not train at least two or three days prior. Some light cardio maybe or a easy paced 3 mile run... but no resitance training. I always did better with a two day brake before a physical test - and I am sure you would too.

    As far as the supps... you mentioned Clen b4. Maybe someone has some info regarding alternating with some T3 since anablolic or androgens are out of the equation. I do not know how this will help you in performance (vs cosmetic) so testing it this close would be a mistake in my opinion.

    But keep up the Triblulis. Make sure it is a quality one too - like Tribestan or Tribex. This help help you fron overtraining these last few weeks - since natural T levels go down with overtraining - the Tribulis will help keep them up.

    It is a strange thing how underhand is easier for some considering it would seem to neglect the larger body part (lats) for the smaller (biceps). Something I have yet to figure out. But I only asked about form to be sure you did If you can brake form you can be sure to hit 18-20. I would say to add a free weight-type movement for your lower lats. Like weighted pull ups or Hammer Strentgth Pull-ups. Machine Pull downs will not train your negatives as much as you need them... to do bodyweight pullups later.
    Last edited by Warrior; 10-07-2002 at 03:05 PM.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Toronto, Canada
    Thanks for your help brother. I think I've finally come down with a perfect routine and I owe a large part to you bro. Greatly appreciated.

    You are now officially part of the nWo.

    Big Poppa Warrior, welcome to the nWo. Just call me Ronnywood Hulk Hogan.


  21. #21
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    warrior: the reason why a suppinated chin up is easier is because you have 1 more muscle involved than a pronated chin up. They both use: Lats, terres major/minor, infraspinatus, brachialis, bicep. With the suppinated position you also have brachioradialis.

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