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Thread: Destined to have small arms

  1. #1

    Destined to have small arms

    I know that this has been brought up many and many times but I am just so Fvcken tired of it. My Fvcken arms dont grow, especially my bis. I have tried everything, increased cal intake, slow concentrating reps, low intensity high volume, low volime high intensity!!! NOTHING WORKS!!!

    I'm not a small, but then again I'm not huge!!! I weigh 205 at 6ft 13% BF. My chest, back and shoulders are good but I have little @ss arms. Flexed they are about 171/2 inches. Please please help!!! It makes me not even want to go to the gym anymore, I am seriously begging for some advice here. PLEASE!!!!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Nismo View Post
    I know that this has been brought up many and many times but I am just so Fvcken tired of it. My Fvcken arms dont grow, especially my bis. I have tried everything, increased cal intake, slow concentrating reps, low intensity high volume, low volime high intensity!!! NOTHING WORKS!!!

    I'm not a small, but then again I'm not huge!!! I weigh 205 at 6ft 13% BF. My chest, back and shoulders are good but I have little @ss arms. Flexed they are about 171/2 inches. Please please help!!! It makes me not even want to go to the gym anymore, I am seriously begging for some advice here. PLEASE!!!!!!
    17 1/2 isnt that small, dude I weigh the same as you, about the same bodyfat, I can get in the gym and bench 350lbs. guess what though my "F'in" arms are only 15 1/2!!!

    Don't be so critical of yourself bro!

  3. #3
    They look so fvcken small man. There some cats at the gym that have huge @ss arms and there form is all fvcked up. I'm starting to think that form isnt everything, I'm tired of using "light" weight and doing the form right and not having the same arms they do. Not only that but they are a lot smaller then I am. Please some more advice. And thanks for the morale booster Aaron, I really appreciate it man, seriously I do.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    my arms were stuck for awhile and someone told me add in bloody sevens, now they be grownn

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Hang in there man. They will grow.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    It sounds like genetics.

    Personally, I would never use site enhancing oils, but I know of some who have and it made their arms bigger.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Nismo View Post
    They look so fvcken small man. There some cats at the gym that have huge @ss arms and there form is all fvcked up. I'm starting to think that form isnt everything, I'm tired of using "light" weight and doing the form right and not having the same arms they do. Not only that but they are a lot smaller then I am. Please some more advice. And thanks for the morale booster Aaron, I really appreciate it man, seriously I do.
    I feel your pain bro, the only reason my arms are even as big as they are is cuz my tris grow pretty easy, I feel the same way about good form and all of that. Actually I've been cheating alittle bit but doing a lot heavier weights, seems to have made some improvement, I don't notice too much size diff. but my bis are twice as strong as they used to be by doing this, another good way Arnold suggested was...

    db curls, go real heavy so you have to cheat to get em up, then just bring em back down as slow as possible

    good luck man!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    The Nut House
    Just throwing this out there:

    do you do exercises for the branchialis (like hammers and rvs grip curls)?

    My bis refused to grow until I started workin the branchialis... a bottle neck/ weakest link kind of situation

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by InsaneInTheMembrane View Post
    Just throwing this out there:

    do you do exercises for the branchialis (like hammers and rvs grip curls)?

    My bis refused to grow until I started workin the branchialis... a bottle neck/ weakest link kind of situation
    Yeah I started doing those aswell but I still see no results. I don't understand what the freakin deal is. Can't stand it!

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Glass Case of Emotion
    Genetics!!! I hate to say it because I suffer from the same problem!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Isn't there anything that can be site injected? I remember reading something like that, maybe it was IGF??

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by AaronJM1984 View Post
    Isn't there anything that can be site injected? I remember reading something like that, maybe it was IGF??
    Anything can be site injected.... even tren but its annicdotal evidence that IGF-1 induces site growth... it may it maynot we cant prove it but it is proven that by injecting SEO into a muscle it causes the fascia to streatch around it allowing for more actual muscle growth even as the oil discipates so it would be an option but I doubt your even close to that stage yet.... and those options should be a last resort... I'd say your just not doing it right... but what the hell do I know I look at a weight and I put an inch on my arms LOL...

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    I have small bis too

    But my tris are monsters

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by soulstealer View Post
    Anything can be site injected.... even tren but its annicdotal evidence that IGF-1 induces site growth... it may it maynot we cant prove it but it is proven that by injecting SEO into a muscle it causes the fascia to streatch around it allowing for more actual muscle growth even as the oil discipates so it would be an option but I doubt your even close to that stage yet.... and those options should be a last resort... I'd say your just not doing it right... but what the hell do I know I look at a weight and I put an inch on my arms LOL...
    Wish I had that talent!!!

  15. #15
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    Feb 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by nbkandrew13 View Post
    my arms were stuck for awhile and someone told me add in bloody sevens, now they be grownn
    whats bloody sevens? i have the same problem as this kid does. my bis wont grow but my tris are monsters

  16. #16
    same here! I hate bi's!!!

  17. #17
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    Souf Afrika
    Quote Originally Posted by EMUbeast25 View Post
    whats bloody sevens? i have the same problem as this kid does. my bis wont grow but my tris are monsters
    Bloody sevens, take a barbell, start off light, stand up straight, bring the bar up bottom half way x 7, then top half x 7, then a full rep motion x 7.... Then puke.. Its hell!...but works.

  18. #18
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    yup, i have to agree with El Diablo there.... I started doing Sevens and the results are amazing. it burns like something ive never felt before but sooooo worth it.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    You think sevens are tough, you should try 30's
    3 continous sets of 10 (no rest)
    full rep
    overhand x 10reps
    underhand x 10reps
    underhand widegrip x 10reps

    I rep around 100lbs. doing BB curls, but with these I can only lift about 55lbs. in order to complete the set(s)

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    Glass Case of Emotion
    Quote Originally Posted by *El Diablo* View Post
    Bloody sevens, take a barbell, start off light, stand up straight, bring the bar up bottom half way x 7, then top half x 7, then a full rep motion x 7.... Then puke.. Its hell!...but works.
    Down south we call those 21's. Def. I good way to shock the bi's!

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    What else do you do with the 7's or is that the whole bi exercise?

  22. #22
    I think that would be the whole excersise, cause after that I think you would hit muscle failure.

  23. #23
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  24. #24
    Join Date
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    Currently in Kuwait
    Nismo what the hell man. I have seen your arms dude. I wish I could get mine like yours. It's like you told me. Your muscles are going to look smaller to you because you look at them everyday. By the way dude that workout program you helped me with to put on mass is great. I finally feel a burn in each muscle that I work instead of just some muscles. But back to the subject..... your arms are huge in my opinion dude, but that's just me talking.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    You know its interesting that you mention others with huge arms have no form and that you think that form isnt as important. Im sure you've heard of arnolds idea on cheat reps. have you done these. its a great idea. Try looseing up your form for your first exercise like barbell curls. use a heavy wt, cheat to get it up but make sure the neg is strict and under control.....

    BTW 17 1/2 isnt small you just suffer from bigerexia just like everyone else on the board.

  26. #26
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    Nov 2007
    another good shocker is, when you do one slow rep, hand the weight off to a friend, he does one rep, then you do two reps, and so on until you get to 15 and then back down again.

  27. #27
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    Nov 2007
    or slow chin ups, taking about 30 seconds to do one.

  28. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by njmollohan View Post
    Nismo what the hell man. I have seen your arms dude. I wish I could get mine like yours. It's like you told me. Your muscles are going to look smaller to you because you look at them everyday. By the way dude that workout program you helped me with to put on mass is great. I finally feel a burn in each muscle that I work instead of just some muscles. But back to the subject..... your arms are huge in my opinion dude, but that's just me talking.
    Awww thanks motha fvcka!!! Remind me to kiss the top of your head when I get back to the barracks. Why the hell is it so damn hot!!!!

  29. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by MFT81 View Post
    You know its interesting that you mention others with huge arms have no form and that you think that form isnt as important. Im sure you've heard of arnolds idea on cheat reps. have you done these. its a great idea. Try looseing up your form for your first exercise like barbell curls. use a heavy wt, cheat to get it up but make sure the neg is strict and under control.....

    BTW 17 1/2 isnt small you just suffer from bigerexia just like everyone else on the board.
    Hahaha thanks man!

  30. #30
    muscle growth takes time and consistency.. i have been very consistent with weight lifting over the past year and a half and had great gains naturally.

  31. #31
    Join Date
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    Pittsburgh, PA
    Quote Originally Posted by M302_Imola View Post
    Down south we call those 21's. Def. I good way to shock the bi's!
    Yeah in prison I learned this exercise as 21's as well (dont ask) hahaha

    Just fvcked up my bicep tendon doin them yesterday too

    advice: if you do these at the end of a grueling arm workout - i cant stress the importance of form here. Remember - you are fatigued already - you will be more apt to incorporate connective tissue to make up for it. dont.

    excellent finisher tho...

    just my 2

  32. #32
    Thanks brosif

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    My Guy's poophole
    Quote Originally Posted by Nismo View Post
    I know that this has been brought up many and many times but I am just so Fvcken tired of it. My Fvcken arms dont grow, especially my bis. I have tried everything, increased cal intake, slow concentrating reps, low intensity high volume, low volime high intensity!!! NOTHING WORKS!!!

    I'm not a small, but then again I'm not huge!!! I weigh 205 at 6ft 13% BF. My chest, back and shoulders are good but I have little @ss arms. Flexed they are about 171/2 inches. Please please help!!! It makes me not even want to go to the gym anymore, I am seriously begging for some advice here. PLEASE!!!!!!
    If they are really 17 1/2 they aren't small at all, expecially at 205lbs.
    Believe me, there someone else that is way less lucky than you with arms.


  34. #34
    Thanks for the moral booster Chuck, people tell me that my arms arent small but I feel like they are tiny. Maybe cause the guy I lift with has freakin huge @ss arms, he makes me feel small. Thanks again man.

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