Around last year after training for around 5-6 years i listened to my body and went with a workout that i thought i would like which is kind of a shock tactic. I never do the same exercises weekly and the same exercises never fall on the same day weekly.. So far its been good to me to help me maintain shape but my question is where could i improve it ?
I currently do a pattern and don't go by days
Chest / Tri's
5/3 exercises with for sets in each
Back / Calves
5/3 exercises with for sets in each
Day off
Shoulders / Biceps
4/3 exercises with for sets in each
Legs / Calves
4/3 exercises with for sets in each
Day off
I throw in Abs every 2-3 days and do them weighted
I'll be cutting soon and looking for some useful info to help me along the way..