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Thread: I am losing weight, should I lift weights?

  1. #1

    I am losing weight, should I lift weights?

    Hey guys, I started my plan 2 weeks ago , wich it's right now only doing cardio until I get to 210 lbs and then start doing weights . After I start doing weights I am going to try deca. The only thing now it's that for th last 2 days everyone at the gym it's telling me that I should also lifts some weights at least 3 times per week becasue if I only do cardio that would be losing muscles and keeping fat. Should I also do some weights now even if my goal it's to shrink my body? And also it's deca good for a begginer like me?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    yes...start lifting. Lifting will add muscle which will increase your metabolism, and will also burn calories which, depending on diet, will aid in shrinking your body.

    No...deca is a very poor choie for you. reseach 1st cycles, and steroids in general for the next 2-3 years and you will be ready.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Even if you are trying to cut weight you should still be lifting. Make sure your diet is in check because they will also play a large role in how much weight you actually lose.

    Deca is a very poor choice to start off with for your first cycle especially if you trying to cut up. Definately spend some time reading up on this web site. There are a lot of newbies on this site and it will help you to read some of their questions and it will help answer some of your own. Read up on compounds also and dont think about putting a compound in your body without knowing what the effects they will have. Like damiongage said you should probably wait a couple years before you begin.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Should not even think about steroids . U need to get your training,diet, and supplements in check. U will be amazed once you educate yourself how much progress you can make.

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