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Thread: Should I do any isolation stuff while bulking??

  1. #1

    Should I do any isolation stuff while bulking??

    Hey fellas-

    Im 150 lbs, workin on bulking this winter.... I would like SOME definition, but after all, i AM bulking. So my main concern is SIZE.... Anyhow, my workout consists of all COMPOUND lifts:

    ex presses, dips, curls, etc...

    i am just wondering if i need to do any isolations lifts even though im bulking... a buddy said i should throw in some cables here and there.. wondering if its a waste of time or not??? thanks


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    of course you still need to work out your limbs. The reason why they say to use compound lifts is cuz it releases testosterone and growth hormone. Esp. squats and deadlifts, bench does but not nearly at the level of the other two exercises. So anyways, now that you have an elevated level of those hormones, you still need to break the muscle down in order for it to grow more.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    I am 150 too and trying to bulk.Isolation stuff can be handy for supersets.Maybe bench+flys,squats+leg curls or over head press+laterals.I started off at 110 and had good results with using isolation stuff for supersets.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    I always incorporate isolation exercises no matter what I do

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