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Thread: In Pain!!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Exclamation In Pain!!!!

    does anybody else get pain in their upper chest and into their shoulders when they bench press with a lot of weight, it has gradually been hurting me because ive gotten a lot stronger but today it was unbearable, i couldnt put on my sweatshirt because that area hurt so bad, does anybody know of something i can do or what i may be doing wrong, all across my upper chest into my shoulders hurts, does anybody else have this problem???

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    I used to get this when I done flat bench and it got so bad I actually stopped doing bench.I then found if I raised the angle slightly it eased the tension on my shoulders I do this by placing a piece of wood under the top of the bench which is about 15-20mm thick.That is enough for me to bench without the searing shoulder pains I used to get.
    My shoulders are pretty screwed as I have dislocated both and that was the main cause for my pain.May be worth getting it checked out if it continues as you do not want to damage the rotator cuffs
    The pain will be in the chest afterall that is the area you are working maksure you warm up well first before any lifting

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    I had some similar problems at one time, but probably not as severe as what you describe.

    My fix was, I switched to Hammer strength equipment. It is a more natural motion for your joints.
    However in your case I would see an orthopedic to see what is cuasing the problem, just for piece of mind to rule out other possibilties.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 1969

    Chest Pains

    Mighty Joe and Billy have given you some sound advice.

    We all know the difference from the good pain after a hard workout and the searing pain from a injury. I would alter your techniques or change up all together and do a different excerise. If the pain is as bad you descibed a trip to the doctirs office should diffently be scheduled.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    thanks for the help, i HAD to work out with the rest of the team yesterday and i did 3x3 with 365 on flat bench, i dont have this problem with dumbells and im gonna make a apt. with the doc, ive never had trouble lifting the sheets off of me in bed!!!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    South Carolina
    Another thing that you may consider is that you're joint flexability/muscle limberness is not up to snuff. I only suggest that because you say it's not a prob with dumbells though I'm sure you're not handling 180 lb dumbs. Next time you bench try warming up a bit more and stretch a little. Then stretch well after you've finished benching. I have seen guys who's muscles are stronger than their joints can handle.

    Do however ask your MD. You can never be too safe's the only body you have.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Is it joint pain that you are feeling? Does your shoulder click during chest and delt exercises? In addition to the above advice, you could try supplimenting with glucasamine. It has made a big difference in my shoulder joints. It usually takes a while to work though, about 4 to 6 weeks.
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  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Long Beach, Ca
    Good call DB ..... I would think the stretching involved with your lifting ( really the tearing ) is the cause ... very light warm up and stretching after each set could help ...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    nothing is clicking its just like a stiff nagging pain, it isnt as bad when i work on dumbells, but on flat it kills, ive been taking glucoseamine and i hope it works, but im stiff so ive been stretching it.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Have you just recently started stretching, or have you always stretched? How good do you perceive your flexibilty to be? Personally, I stretch between every set(I get bored while I'm waiting for my next set.) Stretching is great for preventing strains and tears.

    But if you have pulled or torn your muscle, stretching it can actually be counterproductive. It's like you are retearing the muscle fibers before they get a chance to fully heal. Does this make any sense to you?

    It doesn't sound to me like it is a joint problem, but going to the doc to rule it out is still a good idea. In the meantime you could just use the dumbbells since you don't have any problems with them. Or take some time off. Are you training chest once a week or more often than that?
    Let your soul be your guide on your ship of dreams.

    Never, never, never quit.

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