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  1. #1
    MFT81's Avatar
    MFT81 is offline Senior Member
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    Fav Leg workout.

    What do you guys like to do for legs? and why do you choose the exercises that you do?

    here and why is what im doing currently.


    1. Seated Calf Raises 4x8-15

    2. Standing Calf Raises 3x8-15


    1. Lying Leg Curl. 4x8-15

    2. Romanian DL 3x8-12


    1. Leg Ext. 4x8-15

    2. Leg Press 4x8-15
    (before back injury, now i do walking lunges)

    3. Squat ?x8-12
    ( I just squat till I feel ive had enough.

    *1xf/rp = one heavy ass set to failure at usually 4-6 reps then i rest pause after about 10-15 seconds.

    I used to do all this in reverse order but my knees were getting fukd up by squating to much. doing it all backwards gets me better results for lagging bodyparts plus im so much looser and warmed up for squats that ive been able to handle about the same wts as before but get a better contraction everywhere.

    I stole this routine from Peter Putnam in an article in muscle mag int. its really a lot of fun plus you keep motivated by knowing the funnest exercise is still to come.

    I also dicked up my back big time so i cant do leg press or deads anymore but found that leg press was just a lift for guys who dont want to squat which isnt me.

  2. #2
    soulstealer's Avatar
    soulstealer is offline Anabolic Member
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    Leg extensions 3 sets of 8 pause at top..... very light weight
    Lunges 3 sets of 8 1 leg at a time.... try to take them to failure
    Squats 3 sets of 10 to failure
    Leg presses 3 sets of 8 Hamstring/glute targeted development
    Alternating leg extentions 3 sets of 8 followed by leg extentions until failure with static hold at end...

    I do my calves and hammies on other days

  3. #3
    lotaquestions is offline Banned
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    you know
    squat: 5sets 6reps (changes every week)
    strait leg deadlift: 3 x 8
    step ups: 3 x 8
    leg ext: 2 x max
    leg curl 2 x max
    calves: 5 sets of whatever

  4. #4
    lotaquestions is offline Banned
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    you know
    i sweat like a beast when i do this work out. would like to use even more intesity but i cramp like a punk for the rest of the day.

  5. #5
    MFT81's Avatar
    MFT81 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by lotaquestions View Post
    squat: 5sets 6reps (changes every week)
    strait leg deadlift: 3 x 8
    step ups: 3 x 8
    leg ext: 2 x max
    leg curl 2 x max
    calves: 5 sets of whatever

    I like how you alternate between quads and hams exercises, might have to put that in to my next leg day....

    Do you guys do any, for lack of a better term, Athletic/sports specific exercises for example sprints/weighted sprints, sled drags, plyometrics?

    id like to come up with a leg day that involved some exercises like that..

  6. #6
    Maverick_J8's Avatar
    Maverick_J8 is offline Member
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    This mornings leg workout:


    5 sets 6-10

    Leg extensions

    2 sets 12 reps - superset with leg extensions

    Toe press (leg machine)

    3 sets 10-12

    Seated calf machine

    4 sets 8-12

    Leg curl

    3 sets 15*

    *1 drop set on last set to failure.

    45 minutes.

    Loved it.

  7. #7
    Manorexic's Avatar
    Manorexic is offline Associate Member
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    squats til i feel like im gonna puke
    leg presses until i have trouble getting out of the sled

  8. #8
    Manorexic's Avatar
    Manorexic is offline Associate Member
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    ooops i wasnt done^^^^^
    4-5 sets leg curls 8-12 reps
    same for leg extensions
    8-12 sets seated calf raises 40-8 reps

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