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Thread: Please critique my training...

  1. #1

    Please critique my training...

    I've been training for about 1 and a half now. I can pick up relatively heavy weight and I have good size. But I'm really struggling at putting on more size. I really need some help cos its driving me crazy and I don't know what to do. One of the areas I lack in are biceps, my biceps just arent big enough.
    Also I weigh just under 13 stones.

    I do the same amount of sets and reps on each excercise so I won't keep repeating it.
    Monday - Chest
    Flat bench - 3 sets- 12 reps(40kg), 10 reps(70kg), 8 reps(95kg)
    Incline bench - 40kg, 60kg, 80kg
    Flat dumbell -weight in each hand- 20kg, 30kg, 38kg
    Flys (dumbell)-weight in each hand- 10kg, 12kg, 14kg

    Tuesday - Biceps
    Inner grip preacher curl - 15kg, 27kg, 37kg
    Wide grip bar curl - 20kg, 25kg, 35kg
    Hammer curl -weight in each hand- 10kg, 14kg, 18kg
    21's - 15kg, 15kg(not typo), 20kg

    Wednesday - Shoulders
    Seated dumbell press -weight in each hand- 20kg, 26kg, 32kg
    Smith machine bar press behind the head (instantly combined with front raise with bar)- 40kg(12kg), 50kg(15kg), 60kg(20kg) - So this counts as two excercises.
    Side raises dumbell -weight in each hand- 8kg, 10kg, 12kg

    Thursday - Back
    Deadlift - 40kg, 70kg, 100kg
    Lat pulldown behind the head - 30kg, 45kg, 65kg
    Bent over single arm dumbell pull up to chest - 20kg, 30kg, 40kg
    Bent over bar pullup to chest - 40kg, 60kg, 70kg

    Friday - Triceps
    Close grip bench press - 40kg, 60kg, 80kg
    Skullcrusher - 15kg, 30kg, 42.5kg
    Dips - Body weight, 10kg, 15kg
    Lying down single arm dumbell tricep extension - 8kg, 10kg, 12kg

    I would be extremely grateful if I could get some advice.
    Or anything I should take to increase in size.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Why dont you do legs? Devoting a day each for biceps and triceps??

    Your problems are probably diet, lack of change in your training and it doesn't look like you are training hard enough to push it and make the gains you want.

  3. #3
    Thanks for your reply.
    I forgot to include legs, but I do it on the chest day(monday).
    Whats wrong with doing biceps and triceps on different days?
    I'm going to start changing my training routine every 3 weeks.
    Also, how can I train harder than I already am?

    I'm really grateful for your reply, please give me some more advice on my questions.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    right here
    there is nothing wrong with doing bi's and tri's on seperate days

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    right here
    why only 1 muscle group a day?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    right here
    Quote Originally Posted by ramblin freak View Post
    why only 1 muscle group a day?
    why are doing flat bb and flat db

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    right here
    and no shrugs

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    No legs????thats your biggest muscle group. YOu want more mass, work those suckers!!!

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by ramblin freak View Post
    why are doing flat bb and flat db
    I've found that my benching has improved when I do flat dd aswell. Like this week I've changed my routine, and I'm doing Incline Bench, Flat Bench, then Incline Dumbell and finish on peck deck. Do you think this is wrong? What would you recommend?

    Also, I do one body part a day because if I do two I feel its gona be overtraining.
    I've been told by ppl to do two body parts a day, one mate of mine does Chest and Tris, Back and Biceps, Shoulders and Legs. And I said to him if you're gona do Chest, you won't be able to lift as much on Tris compared to if you did Tris on another day. And he agreed, and said but that way I don't have to spend 5 days in the gym.
    What do you guys think?

    With Shrugs, I do that on the shoulders day(wednesday), and I only do one set. The one where you pull the bar up to your neck. Because after a whole shoulder session, that whole region feels shattered. But I think I'll have to do more excercises on it.

    I'm loving all the advice guys, keep it coming!

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