I've been training for about 1 and a half now. I can pick up relatively heavy weight and I have good size. But I'm really struggling at putting on more size. I really need some help cos its driving me crazy and I don't know what to do. One of the areas I lack in are biceps, my biceps just arent big enough.
Also I weigh just under 13 stones.
I do the same amount of sets and reps on each excercise so I won't keep repeating it.
Monday - Chest
Flat bench - 3 sets- 12 reps(40kg), 10 reps(70kg), 8 reps(95kg)
Incline bench - 40kg, 60kg, 80kg
Flat dumbell -weight in each hand- 20kg, 30kg, 38kg
Flys (dumbell)-weight in each hand- 10kg, 12kg, 14kg
Tuesday - Biceps
Inner grip preacher curl - 15kg, 27kg, 37kg
Wide grip bar curl - 20kg, 25kg, 35kg
Hammer curl -weight in each hand- 10kg, 14kg, 18kg
21's - 15kg, 15kg(not typo), 20kg
Wednesday - Shoulders
Seated dumbell press -weight in each hand- 20kg, 26kg, 32kg
Smith machine bar press behind the head (instantly combined with front raise with bar)- 40kg(12kg), 50kg(15kg), 60kg(20kg) - So this counts as two excercises.
Side raises dumbell -weight in each hand- 8kg, 10kg, 12kg
Thursday - Back
Deadlift - 40kg, 70kg, 100kg
Lat pulldown behind the head - 30kg, 45kg, 65kg
Bent over single arm dumbell pull up to chest - 20kg, 30kg, 40kg
Bent over bar pullup to chest - 40kg, 60kg, 70kg
Friday - Triceps
Close grip bench press - 40kg, 60kg, 80kg
Skullcrusher - 15kg, 30kg, 42.5kg
Dips - Body weight, 10kg, 15kg
Lying down single arm dumbell tricep extension - 8kg, 10kg, 12kg
I would be extremely grateful if I could get some advice.
Or anything I should take to increase in size.