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Thread: Help me out! New to board

  1. #1

    Help me out! New to board

    Hey, im new to the board and i got a couple of questions, maybe u guys can help me out! Well I've been working out for about 4-5 months and i feel great (no roids). I work out 5 days a week and im 20 years old, weigh 190lbs 5'11 with 25% body fat!! My goal is to get cut up for summer.

    Monday - Bis and Abs + cardio
    Tuesday - Tris and Chest +cardio
    Wednesday - Legs
    Thursday - Forearms and Shoulders + cardio
    Fridays - Back

    I do HIIT cardio, do running at a normal pace and for 1 minute i run as fast as i can, i do this about 3 times per cardio session which lasts about 20-25mins.

    My question is am i over training? should i workout 3 times per week and do less intense cardio? I wanna get cut up for summer and drop the fat!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    you know
    it is not going to happen by summer, at 25% bf step your cardio up to 30-45 mins. a decent diet should give you alot better results. quick easy diet plan i use a couple of months before summer (i suck at dieting) i cut carbs and condiments. i tend to loose a little bit of muscel mass but looked riped at the beach.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    New York
    Quote Originally Posted by SolidJay View Post
    Hey, im new to the board and i got a couple of questions, maybe u guys can help me out! Well I've been working out for about 4-5 months and i feel great (no roids). I work out 5 days a week and im 20 years old, weigh 190lbs 5'11 with 25% body fat!! My goal is to get cut up for summer.

    Monday - Bis and Abs + cardio
    Tuesday - Tris and Chest +cardio
    Wednesday - Legs
    Thursday - Forearms and Shoulders + cardio
    Fridays - Back

    I do HIIT cardio, do running at a normal pace and for 1 minute i run as fast as i can, i do this about 3 times per cardio session which lasts about 20-25mins.

    My question is am i over training? should i workout 3 times per week and do less intense cardio? I wanna get cut up for summer and drop the fat!
    Any reason why Biceps are done on a seperate day? Do them with back. Also your working out 5 days in a row...Instead of lifting weights 5 day sr8 you should have a rest/cardio day on wed or thursday...than continue your routine into the weekend. For a cut i would try this...

    Day 1 – Back/Hamstring - Afternoon – 35 Mins Morning Cardio
    Day 2 – Chest/Calves – Post Cardio
    Day 3 – HIT Cardio/Abs
    Day 4 – Quads
    Day 5 – Shoulders/Traps – Post Cardio
    Day 6 – ARMS/4Arms/Abs in afternoon - 35 Mins Morning Cardio

    This is a routine that has worked well for me...especially for a cut. Keep your morning cardio and pwo cardio at a 65% max heart rate...this will prevent you from burning up muscle and hopefully burn mostly fat. Remember you are what you eat SO eat good clean food....there are tons of diets on this board you can a big fan of carb cycling, so you might want to give that a try.

    To answer your question.....are you overtraining? Who knows....depends on how your eating/sleeping and how intense your training. To ensure your NOT overtraining...follow a split similar to mine which includes off days. Try and get some BCAA's and Glutamine in your system 20 mins before your morning cardio.

  4. #4
    Well my diet goes like this

    Meal 1 - 3 hard boiled eggs 1 with yolk, oatmeal, skim milk and banana
    Meal 2 - Hard boiled egg and plain yogurt 16oz
    meal 3 - chicken/turkey/tuna and yams/brown rice
    meal 4 - PWO 2 scoops of protein (50 grams)
    Meal 5 - chicken/turkey/tuna and yams/brown rice
    Meal 6 - Nonfat cottage cheese

    Im only rtying to eat about 2200 calories i figure since 25 percent of 190 lbs is about 45 lbs i weigh about 142lbs of lean mass and it takes about 2200 calories to maintain that weight. Am i wrong?? should i take a totally different diet?

  5. #5
    o ya i take 3 fish oil pills, multi vits, chromium, glucosamine and vit c pills. I also eat peanuts during the day.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    The South
    The Diet is not that good. You need to post it in the diet section to get help.

    25 minutes is not enough for Cardio....I Didnt get real lean untill i beefed up the cardio to 45-60 minutes 6 days a week.

    And NO, you doi not seem to be overtraining.

  7. #7
    Were u also doing HIT cardio?

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