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  1. #1
    phate186mom is offline Banned
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    Apr 2008

    eating time frames

    Age 49
    Sex female
    Wt 125
    Ht 5'6''
    Body fat 10%
    Training Experience 18 years

    Hi I'm phate186's mom. I was wondering if it would be better for me to do my wt. lifting ,then cardio after 1 1/2 hrs of eating lunch, then have dinner 3 hrs later. I'm doing an hr of low intensity cardio 5X/wk and lifting for one body part only ,prior. I give myself 2 days off due to the demands of work and kids. My job is physically demanding as I am an occupational therapist on a neuro unit. Alot of my patients are 200 plus lbs. and I'm the one who gets them up each morning for the nurses and then I do matt activities. My goal is to stay strong and be in shape, but not bulk up as this hinders me on the matt. Advice on diet and also eating time frames-anything else would be helpful.

  2. #2
    bmg's Avatar
    bmg is offline Member
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    Considering that you are training in the middle of day, and you have a physically demanding job- you should do your cardio after your workout. Your strength levels will already be diminished as it is, so it makes a lot more sense to perform the resistance training first. But really the most optimal time to do your cardio is first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.

  3. #3
    phate186mom is offline Banned
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    Eating time frames

    Wish I could do the am cardio. Agree that it would be optimal. I'm at work by 6:30 am and still have a grade schooler. Definately something to try in the future. Thanks!!

  4. #4
    M302_Imola's Avatar
    M302_Imola is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I hope you are not waiting 3 hours after your workout to consume food! Your body needs carbs and protein immediately following your workout. Replenishing glycogen levels is a must not matter what your goals are (bulking, maintaining, or cutting). Hope this helps.

  5. #5
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    ok well i would eat some pro and complex carbs 1.5 hrs before workout. Do your weight training first then straight after do your cardio. This is optimal as your glycogen levels will be low after weights therefore your body will look to burn another energy source, If you keep the cardio low intensity then this energy source will be fat stores (keep HR below 130). Straight after cardio you need to either drink a shake with pro and carbs (40g whey and 60g dextrose) or eat a pro carb meal. Your body MUST have some carbs to prevent muscle waste. Dont worry about getting fat from these carbs as they will be utilised to replace diminished glycogen stores. Other than that aim to eat your meals no more than 3 hours apart.

  6. #6
    phate186mom is offline Banned
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    Apr 2008

    Eating time frames

    Thanks alot. I WILL take the advice!!!! I don't worry so much about getting fat as muscle wasting. Will do the pro carb after workout and see how it goes. So glad to have this forum.

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