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Thread: lower outer pecs!!!

  1. #1

    lower outer pecs!!!

    My left pectoral is lagging behind my right in overall mass but mostly in the lower left part of the muscle.

    I have tried dumbells and barbells to correct the imbalance, and now I simply do 2-3 sets of one arm presses and flyes at the end of my workout to give my left side a little extra isolation.

    My left side is growing, but I need something better. What would you reccommend to correct this imbalance? and what exercise is best for developing the lower outside portion: decline db presses or decline flyes??

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    you know
    i would try decline dumbell flyes, as well as flat bench flyes. use the same weight with both arms, the strain will be more on the weaker side, so it they should grow proportionally.

    also try pullover rows, it could be the best for that specific region.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Do dips

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